z Cottage by the Sea : Old Fashioned
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Old Fashioned

Humid is the word for the New Jersey coast right now.  At 94% its is ridiculous.   I think high humidity makes bodies tend to hurt and I believe it may be a culprit in making any auto immune situation worse. 
Who knows.. but I hear so many complain when the weather is very humid.  It may rain Thursday but we need more now.
It is time for Tuesday 4.   

Old fashioned church picnic

Hello! Welcome back to our weekly question fest begun by Toni Taddeo and kept in her memory.

Let's talk about old times.....

1.  My town had an old-fashioned strawberry festival, a summertime picnic and carnival and the local church went caroling at Christmas time.    What did/does your town do? What about your family?

Well, that is my town in the question.  Today, the town I live in now has fireworks and concerts in the park every Wednesday and also fireworks on the ocean side also every Wednesday.  Caroling in winter is done by many groups. There are regattas, boat races and summer activities galore.  The big old carousel on the boardwalk is going back together and that will be a huge celebration when it does.  After that horrible devastation of hurricane Sandy a category 5 which did so much damage there was a fire on the boardwalk and the old carousel.. all hand made horses, was hurt.  We are just now getting it back up and running since horses had to be carved, painted ,etc.

2. What things in your life did you love about the past?

 Skating almost all winter on the flooded depression area of the golf course, trips to the lakes, ocean, the festivals held at the churches in all seasons, parades on the holidays, Saturday night dances at the school, living on the boardwalk all summer long, surfing all summer. Sledding in winter on the hills. Bonfire night before the big Thanksgiving day game (huge huge fire), The game itself,  French fried hot dogs in Italian rolls with fried potatoes and peppers...Church socials everyone went to with spaghetti, fried chicken, German casseroles.. Big town wide bake sales, The San Gennaro festival, strawberry festival, Halloween  night with costume contests, winter craft festival,  

3. What would you like to bring back that are no longer as popular as they once were?  Would you talk to friends about perhaps reviving old traditions?   I want people to return to religion and decency like it used to be. America tossed God on the garbage pile and the results are plain to see. 

4.  Do you belong to an organization of any kind and do they have outings, picnics or pot lucks?  What special things do they engage in and what would you like them to do or accomplish?

I no longer belong to any organizations. When I was young I was a Rainbow Girl, a curved bar girl scout.  We did tons of service projects.   I would like to see organizations provide more service to communities and more fund raisers like the Elks who sponsor their wonderful Pancake breakfasts.  I know that the senior communities.. for the over 55 groups provide bus trips for shopping and to Atlantic City for the elderly to go waste money on the slot machines. wink wink.. those seniors are wild!  

By the way, I looked up the usage of 'old- fashioned vs old- fashion and old-fashioned is the correct usage. and must have a hyphen as well.
I hope you enjoyed this week's Tuesday 4.  


  1. I enjoyed this post and had fun thinking about how to answer the questions. Your hometown sounds like a fun place to live. I am sorry to hear about the Carousel, but am happy they are finally getting it put back together. There should be a big celebration! I hope you will go and take some pictures to share with us, if you can. I remember riding an old carousel when I was a child. Rather, I remember it because there is a picture of me on it. I was too young to really remember it! LOL. This was a fun bunch of questions. Thank you for thinking them up!! Have a wonderful week. Yes, it is 95% humidity here today, but thankfully the temperature is only 82, which is nice for a change. Rain is headed our way in the next hour or so, and will probably last the rest of the day. I don't mind, as long as I can stay inside where it is cool. Yes, the humidity does affect us. Especially my joints, etc. No fun.

  2. I agree this was a fun post to write. It brought back some great memories, and I love those old family memories of my childhood. Wow, your answer to number 3 is spot on. Christianity is definitely being erased from our society, and to me it is evidence that we truly are living in the last days. We pray regularly that the church would wake up and that pastors and congregants would live their Christianity on the outside to demonstrate the love of God to the world. If we do not let our light shine then how else will the world see and know the Lord Jesus. I recently discovered a wonderful pastor, from the Leesburg, Va., The Cornerstone Chapel. I highly recommend readers to look him up. He really has a dynamic ministry. On YouTube look up Church in America, wake up, by Gary Hamrick.

  3. Happy Tuesday !
    What a terrific post ! A friend and I were just talking about this very subject ! There was a sense of community and unity about the 50s and 60s . Families worked together on home projects , went to church and participated in all the activities there . Morals and personal integrity were valued , neighbors were helped , children were taught to uphold family values and there was time to enjoy time together and the areas in which we found ourselves . These simple things gave a richness and meaning to our lives that seems sadly missing today , despite claims of modern "convenience" and technology . Yet , when that "convenience" goes away , where does that leave those who never experienced the simple pleasures ? So glad to be here...be safe and well...

  4. It sounds like you live in a wonderful place.

  5. Fun answers. Your town sounds awesome!


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