z Cottage by the Sea : Rainy Days and Mondays
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, July 31, 2023

Rainy Days and Mondays

 Welcome to  Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we ask just 4 questions each week to get you blogging and thinking and meeting other bloggers!

Rainy Days and Mondays was a song about being down but, not everyone is down on a Monday or a rainy day.

1. Do Mondays get you down or did they ever? How about a rainy day? What makes it better?
No, not really. Not anymore than anything else.  I  enjoy rainy days.  There is a cozy feeling inside on days like that and walking outside feels free and fresh.  I used to love walking home in the dark on rainy nights.  I lived just across the street from my business and I liked the reflection of the colorful lights on the streets and sidewalks.  It felt good to get inside.

2. How do you like to spend rainy days?  I used to love walking to school on rainy days snug under an umbrella enjoying the puddles and the sound of cars passing over rain soaked streets.  In the evening I loved walking home and seeing the neon and street lights reflecting beautifully on the street and sidewalks.   I like to spend those kinds of days eating out or sitting by a nice window watching the rain come down.  

3.Do you like to take a walk in the rain?  I like to be headed somewhere.  As I said, I enjoyed walking to school or class on rainy days.  I also used to love going to meet my friend for lunch or dinner on a dark rainy day or night.

4.What is your weather like this summer so far? What would make it better or worse?  What is your ideal summer weather?   Weather has been cooler than usual for a bit, then a week of hot, and now back to cooler.  Really it's been very nice.  A perfect summer would be 70, low low humidity, breezy, and sunny with once in a while thunder storms.


  1. I think living in town or a city would be an interesting place to live when it is rainy. You have better places to walk to with an umbrella. Here we are so spread out and many places don't have sidewalks (or even paved roads), so walking in the rain can be a challenge. But when the conditions are right (and safe) I do enjoy walking in a gentle rain. I love a rainy day at home because when it is cloudy or rainy we can keep the blinds open all day and not worry about too much hot sunshine heating up the house, and I can see the pond and all the birds all day long. Yes, a perfect summer would be in the mid 70's, low humidity, and sunshine...with necessary rain as needed. This was a lovely post. I can picture your city streets and lights in the rain. Lovely.

    1. I grew up in a small town and lived in one for decades. When I was raising my kids and working I was in my small home town and walking was easy to any where. I now live off the beaten track with no sidewalks and just forest and the bay. I love the water but I do prefer living in town.

  2. Ooh I love your header. So pretty. I like walking in the rain too. My car is broken down again so I am on foot but it has been too hot or too stormy to go to far. I don't live close enough to a grocery store but I have free delivery so that helps. Often when my husband gets home at night we run to the Marketplace. Thank you for continuing Tuesday4. I appreciate you and hope you have a lovely day.

  3. My son-in-law sent a picture from the cabin in Wyoming, on the porch with a nice hot cup of coffee, temp 48*! Now that's my kind of summer, I think I'll move to Wyoming, not really, just sounds good right now.

  4. You made me remember the sounds of rain when being at my grams house.
    That was so special!!

    Thank you.

  5. I like your perfect summer! That is perfect and not have to wear a jacket either. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  6. I enjoyed your answers. I do love the first rain after it's been hot for awhile..I love how it smells. I love once in awhile thunderstorms. We don't get them very often, and they're not very loud.


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