z Cottage by the Sea : The Seasons of Our Lives
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Seasons of Our Lives

f we look and consider carefully, we can see that there are and were always reasons to every season of our life. The good, the bad all played a vital part in who and what we are and will become.
Because of this we must be sure to think carefully on our decisions, methods and motives as we navigate our way.   And with each season , which can vary from hour to hour sometimes. we must remember Psalm 150  "Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord ".   Keep him as your partner in every decision, every step along your way realizing that  there is indeed a purpose to our life.


  1. I have used that tree at my old site before. I agree, keep God in all your seasons!

  2. Love that tree, and also that verse! Yes, we seem to go through different seasons in our lives...not just in the aging process, but also in relationships and things we enjoy and no longer enjoy, etc. It's good to realize that life is like that, and we need to allow ourselves to adapt to each new season. God is with us always. Lovely post.

  3. Very good advice. Did you draw that tree? So pretty.

    1. I am happy you liked it! No, the tree was found online.


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