z Cottage by the Sea : Animals
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, August 27, 2023


Sunday Stealing  

Funny questions about animals, from Swap Bot

1. If animals could talk, which one do you think would complain the most about their day?

2. What do you think cats dream about during their epic naps?
Chasing prey, being petted.  They nap, I read, because of the great amount of energy they expend leaping, jumping, etc.
3. If squirrels organized an Olympics, what events would they have?
Nut finding, nut storage, dog teasing, high jump and flying/soaring from limb to limb.
4. Do you think penguins ever get jealous of birds that can fly?
Nope. Not at all!!  They are far too noble for that.
5. If animals had their own social media, what kind of posts would we see from them?
  "I found a walnut", "I buried 20 bones today", "I got a new bed, very plush!" " Going out for a Pup Cup with Mom!"  "Day at the beauty parlor"  "New baby sister.. a dog!!"  "I hate my food. All they give me is processed food.  Its bad and abusive. Imagine if we forced humans to eat nothing but fake processed food!" 
6. What would be the title of the autobiography of a lazy house cat?
7. If you had to choose an animal to be your personal bodyguard, which one would you pick?

8. Do you think dogs secretly judge us for not being able to sniff out everything they can?
Dogs judge no one. All you need do is look at who their humans are.
9. If animals could wear clothes, which animal would have the best fashion sense?
Cats for the most part.  Dogs are a bit doofy, horses like to slum too much.
10. If a group of owls started a band, what would their music style be?
Jazz of course
11. What do dolphins think when people swim with them?
If the people are nice they enjoy the playtime, If not they plot revenge.
12. What do you think squirrels gossip about when they chatter to each other in the trees?
The best places to find acorns and nuts.
13. If elephants played hide-and-seek, where do you think they'd hide?
Behind trees.
14. What do you imagine a llama would say if you asked it about the meaning of life?
He would spit in your face for asking such a silly question.
15. If you could swap places with any animal for a day, which one would it be, and why?
Maybe with a kitty.



  1. Great answers! I love your answer to number 8!!

  2. LOLOL. I was just telling a fellow blogger that a few years back before Liam passed away, we visited a Llama farm and he asked that very same question and nope, the Llama didn't spit, actually it was pretty cool. grin.

  3. "If animals could talk, which one do you think would complain the most about their day?"

    Humans. 😃

  4. Awww, that would be nice: to swap with a kitty!

  5. I'm pretty sure a lot of humans already eat nothing but fake processed food, in part because that's all they can afford, and also because they don't know any better.


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