z Cottage by the Sea : Toys
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 28, 2023


Tatty Bear
Hello. It's time for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.  I hope you are enjoying them.  I welcome ideas for questions or themes, so feel free to let me know.     Could we talk about toys?  Toys are important to children and sometimes to adults as well.   There are memories tied up with toys we loved, toys we miss having in our lives.  We found comfort in them, excitement with them and just fun times over all.

1. What was your favorite all time toy?
My Teddy bear which I got at 3 is still with me though he is quite tatty with missing nose, missing eyes, his arm has fallen off, stuffing is old and compromised. Still,  I promised him he'd go to heaven with me. But he was not a toy so much as my friend.
I think my bicycle was my favorite. I rode it all the time over hill and over dale.   
2. What kind of toys did you enjoy growing up?
Toys that were sensible.. my microscope, my bike, my baseball bat, my little projector and slides.
Also  my cut out dolls, which I just loved to play with. I was not much for regular dolls, but I did like to cut them out and dress them. I also had a Ginny doll that I liked. She had a trunk full of clothing including a white 'leather' coat and beret, a fur coat and lovely little party dresses.   They are worth quite a bit of money today.
Overall, though, my time was spent outside riding around or in the ocean swimming.
3.  I think certain bric-a-brac in the home could be a kind of grown up's toy.   What is in your home just purely to make you happy?
I have a lovely little doll on a tricycle.  I found her in K Mart years ago and just instantly fell in love with her.

4.What games were your favorites and do you still play any games?
I liked Candy Land as a little girl. and I really liked Clue.  I used to play Old Maid with a friend. 
I still like to play Clue  I also like games like Ad Libs.
Currently I play June's Journey on Facebook.
My family play games when we are together for holidays, etc.   


  1. So you’ve lived near the sea all your life. Awesome. I play June’s Jjourney, too. I am at about level 88. I I have started and stopped the game three times, but this time I am hooked!

    1. I grew up along the coast my whole life, yes. I am at level 715 in June's Journey. I really enjoy it. I've already opened up 2 new islands/

  2. I love your doll on her trike, she's adorable!! I also loved Candyland and would gladly play it today, if I could find someone to play it with me. ☺

  3. I remember Candyland and playing that with my girls too.

  4. I ❤️ that you made that promise to your teddy bear.

    When I was about five I asked my mom is my stuffed animals would go to Heaven with me. She told me that whatever I need to be happy will be there.

  5. Thank you for the many smiles on this blog post my friend. smiles

  6. I took a walk down memory lane and discovered taht someone still does the Tablescape Thursday

  7. Oh yes! My bicycle! I don't think I really considered it a toy, but yes! I loved it. I love Clue also, but only got to play at other people's houses. I didn't have it. Loved your answers. Have a nice week. ♥


  8. Fun answers...I loved cut out dolls too and colorforms.


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