z Cottage by the Sea : Hodgepodge 517
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Hodgepodge 517

From this Side of the Pond

1. What's your earliest memory?
I can remember way far back .  I remember having my diaper changed on my parents bed.  It was covered with a Chenille bedspread.  I love the feel of Chenille to this day.   I also had a changing pad with a lovely pastel colored lamb on it.  I adored it and I was less than a year old.  Shows how much tiny kids appreciate things!
2. What's something about you today that the old you would find surprising?  That I endure things.
 I am much stronger than I ever realized.
3. Do you like to fish? Are you a fish eater? Favorite fish (to eat)? Favorite way to prepare fish? 
I like to fish if someone else baits the hook and takes the fish off and cleans them.  I love eating fish.
I like Fish Vera Cruz which is a Mexican recipe and very good!
HERE is my recipe for it.    I also like batter fried fish.
4. What's your biggest first world problem? 
My toilet is falling through the floor a bit... my kitchen sink is falling through the counter top and rusting.  
My back porch is breaking down.  Bright side: I have a bathroom, a kitchen and a somewhat usable porch.
5. What one word would you use to describe your year thus far? 
It has been okay despite the world problems which are being foisted on us. Bright side: prayer for these world problems drives us closer to God.
6. Insert your own ran random thoughts here
The weather here on the New Jersey shore has been almost perfect. 
My pond is crystal clear to the deep bottom, my fish are happy, 
I keep on keeping on....
Here is a view of the ocean here by me......

Photo taken by the Famous Anonymous Kid who isn't a kid anymore


  1. That sucks about your toilet, sink and porch. I'm so glad about the weather though. Awww and way cute to learn about your earliest memory.

  2. I love chenille and am always on the lookout for a good chenille robe. They are hard to find. Hope you can get those first world problems fixed soon! Beautiful photo!

  3. I'm sorry about the problems with your toilet, sink, and porch. They might be considered first world problems, but they are problems that I hope you can fix! Gorgeous ocean view - reminds me of the view we had when we lived in Ocean City NJ all those years ago. Have a great week!

  4. I'm sorry for all the household challenges. We've had what feels like one repair after another here and it's frustrating. Beautiful beach pic! I'm a big fan of sunrises and sunsets both. Have a nice weekend!

  5. Greetings !
    Beautiful header... I'm a big fan of your paintings !
    Such interesting questions ! Funny how sharing memories with a friend refreshes one's memory and more seem to surface .
    Prayers for all your repairs to be done to your satisfaction and SOON !
    It's raining here , off and on , during the day . I love how bright the colors of things stand out on cloudy days .
    Thank you for this beautiful site !!!

  6. I love chenille too, and would love to have a bedspread from it, though I'm not sure how I'd wash or dry it. There are several of you that live in NJ I'm noticing.

  7. Your early memories make my heart smile! It seems home maintenance is a bit like whack-a-mole. As soon as one project's completed, here come more on the horizon. Still, I'm grateful for what we have.


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