z Cottage by the Sea : Summer time and the Living is Easy
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 21, 2023

Summer time and the Living is Easy

 Hey! Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we ask just 4 questions each week to give you something to blog about, something to think about and a reason to visit other blogs!

Summer time and the living is easy says the song.  So how is summer going for you? Let's talk about it.....

1. How has it been so far?  At first it was very cool and chilly at night.  We had one hot week and how the weather is perfect. In the 80s and high 70s with lovely breezes.  The ocean is lovely and nights are cool and refreshing.  

2. What have you been doing this summer?   I have been doing okay this year.  My pond is crystal clear and the fish are happy as can be.

3. What are you going to do? Any plans?  I am going to the baseball game this coming week.  I've been to the rodeo and I want to go for dinner on the boardwalk with my family sometime soon and have a dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant as well.   New Jersey is overwhelmingly Italian and we have Italian restaurant all over the place and all so good!   I plan to sit out by the pond a lot this summer too.

4. It's been hot in most of the country but here on the Jersey coast it's been perfect so far. Not too hot, not too cool but just right with breezes.   How are you weathering the heat. Any tips on staying  cool on hot, humid days?  Clothing, food, drinks, fans, air conditioning? Let us know your secrets to keeping cooler.

I have air conditioners in the house and fans too.   I use them most of the summer if it gets hot.  I make homemade iced tea every few days and drink it with a ton of ice.  I think cotton is perfect in summer and I like to eat salads in summer for my meals. Tuna salad, egg salads.. I make them large with tons of veggies.  I also like salmon croquettes for summer meals and fresh caught fish from Point Pleasant where they fishing boats come in. Of course they operate all year round but, I love it in the summer most.   I look forward to Jersey tomatoes which are very good here, fresh corn on the cob and hamburgers and hot dogs. This makes a perfect summer time.


  1. Oh Annie, I would love to come sit by your pond and enjoy the fish swimming around enjoying themselves. Sounds so very calming. After reading your yummy summer menu I'm starving. lol

  2. That sounds indeed as a great summertime!

    Most other years we went to oen of the villages at sea to enjoy the weather.
    Pity we were not able to go the past years and this year? I don't think so.

    I love fish...so I crave for some after reading your post. LOL!

  3. Your weather sounds lovely and so do your summer foods. Thanks for the fun questions today. I enjoyed answering them and I'm enjoying reading everyone's answers, including yours. Hope you have a great day.

  4. Your food sounds so good! I need to do more of that in the summer time. We do love salads like that...I just forget to make them. Thank you for the reminders. You live in a lovely place for the summer!! What a blessing.

  5. Enjoy the food, it sounds so good! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  6. You are so blessed to live by the sea. I love seafood!

  7. You must live in paradise. It sounds marvelous. No wonder you speak of summer as if it just started while everyone is either started school or longing for autumn! Enjoy your summer and be a blessing!

  8. I enjoyed your answers. Sounds wonderful. I would love to have a pond or a creek on my property.I would love to be surrounded by italian restaurants and shops


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