z Cottage by the Sea : Music in the NIght
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 7, 2023

Music in the NIght

Time again for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 and welcome one and all. Consider joining in  won't you? Let us get to know you. won't you? 

background music in the night
1.   Do you like music in the background or is quiet more suitable for you?   It depends on the day and it's mood.  Sometimes I love it and sometimes I just want quiet.

2. What kind of sounds or music annoy or bother you?   Anything discordant bothers me.  Music designed to alter the mind is disturbing to hear.

3. What kind of  sounds do you find enjoyable, peaceful or uplifting?? What sounds are most annoying?   I like the sound of rain and thunder storms, wind through the trees, the surf, and seagulls over head,  the sound of streams flowing over rocks,  The sounds of trains are something I love too especially their chimes.  (I am a railfan)

4.   Do you play an instrument or would you like to learn to sing or to play an instrument.?    I play piano and organ.  I have taken singing lessons. My teacher is long gone now. She sang in the chorus of the Metropolitan opera. She was a  lovely person with a huge glorious voice!



  1. "Music designed to alter the mind is disturbing to hear."

    An interesting way to say it! Yes, so true.

  2. Such nice memories. I had the same organ teacher as my dad... he always told a story to make me understand the music as he thought I was too young to get the emotion of some pieces.


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