z Cottage by the Sea : "Linda"
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, August 5, 2023


Happy weekend my friends!    I hope you will be enjoying the time. 
by Heather Stillufsen
Summer is passing by quickly and  we need to enjoy it while we have it.. hot or not!  Don't ever have to look back and see that you missed out on joy and happiness. Look for the good and the blessing in everything.
Let's do Saturday 9...
"Welcome to Saturday 9.  What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme! "

Our theme for August is "girls' names."
Linda (1946)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune?  Hear it Here
My personal favorite song by Buddy  Clark is "There's a Chapter in My Life Called Mary'.  It's just so beautiful I have to share it with you.

1) In this song, Buddy Clark sings that when he can't sleep he doesn't count sheep, he enumerates Linda's charms. Did you sleep well last night? 
Yes. I am blessed and grateful that I sleep well most nights.  Sometimes my back wakes me up and I need to get up and move but over all I do sleep pretty well.

2) In addition to singing with big bands, Buddy sang commercial jingles live on radio programs and was the voice of Carnation Milk. Can you think of a jingle that's stayed in your head?
Tons of them!  I used to love the Pine Sol song .. no words just a happy melody.  But, I think the top jingles are the 2 Oscar Mayer ... Oh  I'd love to be an Oscar Mayer Weiner.. and  My Bologna has a first name is O S C A R.. etc.
3) For "Linda," Buddy Clark performed with bandleader Ray Noble. Ray was classically trained at London's Royal Academy of Music, but much preferred big band music to that of Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin. When did you last listen to classical music?
I was listening to Capriccio Italien by Tchaikovsky,  a day  ago.  It is  a favorite of mine since I was about 8 years old.  
You can here that  HERE Its gorgeous and this performance is especially great.

4) Composer Jack Lawrence named this song after a particular little girl, the daughter of his lawyer, Lee Eastman. Without looking it up, do you know what became of Lee Eastman's daughter Linda?
Well I ended up looking it up since the name was so familiar to me but I just couldn't place it!  She married Paul McCartney and got herself the worse hair style in history!

5) According to the Social Security Administration Linda was long one of the most popular names for American baby girls. It was #2 in the 1940s and 1950s (second only to Mary). By the 1960s it slipped to #7 and by the 1970s it fell to #68. Are there many Lindas in your life?  
Not many... just 2.  Linda Conley from NY and now Florida is a special Linda in my life!   I had a friend in elementary and high school named Linda as well.  

6) 1946, the year this record was released, is regarded as the first year of the Baby Boom, which lasted until 1964. Are you from The Silent Generation or are you Boomer, a Gen-Xer, a Gen-Yer, or a Millennial?
Well.. now here is my take on this.    I am a person who will not be pigeonholed.  I hate the corralling of people into groups like this.  It  creates division.  It's ridiculous and frankly evil.  Witness how the so-called Boomers and so called Gen X mock Gen z!  Its downright ugly. It isn't funny at all. Its narcissistic and  cruel and you can fool yourself that it is just in fun but then you are just excusing your nasty behavior.  
Don't do it around me.   I won't put up with it or you.

7) In the summer of '46, hats were a standard part of any woman's outfit.  Hats for day, hats for evening, hats for rainy days … The 1946 Sears Spring-Summer catalog devoted nine pages to women's hats. Do you own many hats? If yes, for what occasions do you wear them?
I have a ton of  wonderful winter hats and I own one expensive hand made  hat fit for year round.   Its a 1920s style and I love it.  I got it at a milliners in  Niagara on the Lake.    My late husband paid a small fortune for it but when he saw it on me he said I had to have it.  
8) Also in 1946, the Mensa Society was created. The only qualification to join was an IQ in the top 98th percentile. Do you know your IQ?
Yes  I do.  My IQ was measured by Mensa when I was in high school and it is far above average. The counselor was all excited.  I got a kick out of him. I could not have cared less.

9) Random question: Tell us something you admire about your best friend.
She is a genuinely nice person and very generous.    


  1. I love hats, but I look ridiculous in them. I think it is my hair that makes me look silly, the natural curls and all. Your hats sound beautiful. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


  2. I'd like to see your hat, too. It is good to have a nice friend.

  3. awwwwwwwwwww....love you my friend. We will be heading to the airport soon (its 2:21 am) and will be home aka Florida by 1pm.

  4. My very best friend in high school was a 'Linda.' Loved her then and love her now, eventho life took us in different directions we have managed to stay in touch. There's also a 'Linda' in my GLOW group that I've known for many years, we both worked at the bank. Of course Linday Conley is a special blog friend who I love!!!


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