z Cottage by the Sea : Still Summer...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, September 1, 2023

Still Summer...

I will miss Summer this year.   It was beautiful this year. Perfect weather, lovely breezes and I enjoyed it so much. There are still 23 more days of Summertime with Autumn not appearing until September 23rd. So I will keep enjoying it this year.   And, I really do not like wishing time away as so many do. 

It's a bad habit to always wish for something or somewhere else.   Instead we should bloom were we are planted and make the most of our time.

Trumpet Vines in August

"My joy is the golden sunset giving thanks for another day." — Jonathan Lockwood.
“Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You can not withstand the storm.’ The warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm.'”

I hope the rest of your summer is wonderful.


  1. Our calendar might say autumn arrives in 3 weeks, but California fall does not get here until almost the end of October! You are so lucky to live near the sea!

  2. We are having an early Autumn as we've had too little rain, so the leaves are already dropping. Nice photos.

  3. Too soon for fall here, but the pictures are great!

  4. Wonderful pictures. Your summer days are so lovely. I know we shouldn't wish away the seasons, but here in Florida we truly can't wait for it to start cooling down just a bit...September is kind of the transition time between summer and fall, but true fall doesn't arrive here until probably November. We just pretend that it comes here when it does everywhere else. We are thankful to have survived hurricane #1 and pray there are no more this year. One day at a time. Enjoy your lovely days and long weekend.

    1. I lived in Florida at my mother in law(native Floridian) in a suburb of Miami and spent a lot of time in the keys. I was 21 though and weather was no problem for me even though it was like a sauna all the time. Now, I could not take that high humidify at all. I'd be miserable. I need a cooler climate.

  5. 2023 seemed to be in a hurry. We just blink and we're almost at the end.

    Worth a Thousand Words

  6. Beautiful photos of a beautiful area !
    I am a "water person " , though as I age , being near it is better than being IN it , so these photos make me happy ! Have a wonderful day !


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