z Cottage by the Sea : Gloria...Saturday 9

Friday, October 6, 2023

Gloria...Saturday 9

Autumn weather is here to stay and it has been rainy and cool and breezy and all that good stuff!    A tropical storm/hurricane is headed our way it seems but, we won't worry about that now though it is quite windy and rainy right now.  Looks like we will get a bit of it here along the seashore.  But, we can just enjoy what lovely days are bringing to us.    I took my family out for Mexican food the other night and my daughter grabbed the check.   We had a wonderful time. Do you like Mexican food?  I sure do.   If you like fish, I recommend Fish Veracruz.  I have a lovely recipe from a Mexican lady that is delicious.  You can find it at my recipe blog.. Rock & Roll Cafe. 

Let's do Saturday 9 by Sam Winters.. always a lot of fun to do.
Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally
unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer questions, however, and here are today's questions!
Saturday 9: Gloria (1982)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Laura Branigan is advising her friend to take it a bit slower in her pursuit of a particular man. Did you more recently give or receive advice?
 Received advice from family and friends.
2) Gloria seems determined to rush ahead, regardless of the consequences. Do you consider yourself a big risk taker?
Yes in some ways I am and often was in the past.  I use more caution now.
3) Laura herself seemed to be impulsive in love. She met a lawyer at a party in 1978 and they married months later. It worked out, though. They were married for almost 20 years, until his death. Thinking of your circle of friends, has someone more recently been married, divorced, or widowed?
 I was widowed  almost 2 1/2 years ago now. He got sick and died in just a few months.

4) "Gloria" was originally recorded in 1979 by Italian singer Umberto Tozzi. His version was a Top Ten hit in Switzerland, Belgium and Germany. Have you ever visited any of those countries?
No.   I never had the desire to go to Europe or the money! 

5) In 2018, decades after its initial release, this recording of "Gloria" enjoyed a surge in popularity. The St. Louis Blues used it as their victory song whenever they won a hockey game at home. What's the most recent sporting event you attended? 
 I went to the rodeo and    baseball.    

6) After Laura Branigan died of a cerebral aneurysm at the age of 52, her high school established a scholarship in her honor. When did you most
recently return to your old high school, and what was the reason?
 No, haven't been there for decades and have no reason to go there either.

7) In 1982, when this song was popular, the Sears catalog sold an at-home blood pressure monitor that ran on four C-batteries and sold for $190 (that's $600 in today's dollars). Amazon's current best-selling monitor is cheaper ($40) and smaller, running on AAA batteries. Is high blood pressure a concern of yours?
 If you don't have any blood pressure you are dead.

8) Also in 1982, The Compleat Beatles, a two-hour documentary about The Fab Four was released to good reviews. Do you enjoy documentaries?
If they are honest, yes, but most of them are full of made up stories with only a bit of truth thrown in.  

9) Random question: Which of these chores to you enjoy the least: doing the dishes or the laundry?
I am no fan of scrubbing dishes all day long.  Laundry does itself but my only dishwashers are at the end of my arms.  I will say that once the dishes are done and the kitchen cleaned up I feel good about it.



  1. HA on #7, thanks, needed that, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful day friend.

  2. I haven't attended a rodeo since I was a child. I didn't even know they still had them!

  3. As you mentioned in your comment on my blog, it is actually the folding of the laundry I hate, rather than the actual washing or drying.

  4. Another beautiful header ! Love your paintings !!!
    We had a clear star-strewn evening last night and a beautiful , sunny Blue-Sky day here ...it was 47 degrees when I woke up this morning .
    I agree with #2...tending to trust folks...usually with disastrous results...sigh...older/wiser now (hopefully) . Wishing one and all a terrific day !


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