Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday 9: Spooky Scary Skeletons.

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!
Saturday 9: Spooky Scary Skeletons (1996)

Unfamiliar with this week's featured song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Andrew Gold sings that these skeletons send shivers down his spine. Do you often involuntarily shudder or shiver?
 Sometimes, not often though.  I think it happens sometimes if I am very sleepy.
2) While they appear frightening, these skeletons are harmless and only want to socialize with us mortals. Can you think of something -- or someone -- that intimidated you at first but that you were more comfortable with as you became more familiar?
Usually when I began a new job. Then you can feel uneasy until you get familiar with the people and environment.
3) The video for this song was originally created in 1929. Skeleton Dance was a short movie produced and directed by Walt Disney himself. In 2006, Disney Studios paired Gold's song with this animation for a Halloween DVD. Do you have any DVDs that you watch seasonally (every Halloween, every Thanksgiving, every Christmas, etc.)?
 Not DVD's but we have movies we watch during special times of the year.
4) You may not realize it, but you likely already know one of Andrew Gold's songs. He wrote "Thank You for Being a Friend," the theme to TV's Golden Girls. Blanche, Dorothy, Rose or Sophia: Which is your favorite?
Sophia was a cool character.  "Envision it.. Sicily.. 1948 "
These questions will help us get into the Halloween spirit  ....
5) Introduced in the 1880s, candy corn was originally called Chicken Feed. It was developed by a candy manufacturer who gave it the orange/white color and special name to differentiate it from jelly beans. Do you like candy corn?
I used to eat it only on Halloween. Its delicious.
6) What candy will trick-or-treaters get when they show up at your front door?
 I hand out small lunch sized bags of potato chips, Doritos, etc.
7) Halloween was a 1978 movie by John Carpenter about Michael Myers, who kills while wearing a ghostly mask. In the original movie, the mask used was a $2 Captain Kirk mask, painted white. Both Halloween and Star Trek are successful franchises of more than a dozen movies. Have you seen more of Michael Myers or Captain Kirk?
Capt. Kirk.  I don't like or watch movies like Halloween, I just don't like them at all.
8) In 2022, a survey of California schoolchildren revealed that Buzz Lightyear was the top pick of Halloween costume. When you were little, did you prefer to dress up for Halloween as a hero, like Buzz, or a scary monster?
 Never as a monster, no.  More like cowboy, etc.
9) Some long-time White House employees claim they have seen Abraham Lincoln's ghost wandering the halls of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Have you ever seen a ghost?
 No such thing as ghosts!


  1. #6 “...potato chips, Doritos” good idea, cuts down on the sugar.

  2. Yes I like the idea of handing out chips instead of candy

  3. Bags of chips is a good idea. I always go for the crunchy Cheetos.

  4. I chose a new job as the thing that is intimidating, too.

  5. Good Morning , on this grey day !
    The ground is a carpet of fallen leaves and we're due for a cold spell this week - freezing or below - Wednesday and Thursday nights . Hoping all is well with all of you !
    P.S. - I like crunchy Cheetos , too !

  6. Yes, starting a new job can make one feel very uneasy.
    Must be nice to hand out those treats.


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