z Cottage by the Sea : ABC Sunday Stealing

Sunday, November 5, 2023

ABC Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

(Don't remember where I stole this...)
A - Ambition:  To continue to grow and get to be a good person. No more career ambitions, or money etc.  

B - Birthday:  November 25

C - Computer:  desk top

D - Dream:  from time to time. I don't spend much time dreaming while awake. I find it unprofitable.

E - Exercise: my floor bike, whatever walking I can manage.

F - Favorite Food:  I suppose I would have to say Cabbage Rolls. I loved fried fish and fries too. Usually the messier the food the more I like it!

G - Garden:  I have one.  I would like it to be better with tons more flowers.

H - Hobby: Painting pictures

I - Idol:  I do not worship idols thank you  wink wink

J - Job:  Keeping the house decent, helping my family with whatever I can. Being disabled I no longer work.

K - Kids: 5

L - Location:  By the seashore in New Jersey  one of the original  13 Colonies, originally called New Netherlands and founded by the Dutch and populated by Finns, Swedes, Dutch and British in the beginning.   In 1887 we became the 3rd state from the original 13 colonies.

M - Military:.. No. But family has served. 
If you are asking favorite branch.. Coast Guard. They are out on the sea 24/7 doing  impossible things!

N - Name or Nickname: Some called me Angie in high school.  

O - Optimist or Pessimist: both.. depends on the situation

P - Pets: I have some fish in a pond now. Dogs and cats all passed on.

Q - Quote:  But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

R - Reads: Whatever suits my fancy at the time.

S - School: Ohio University  in Athens, Ohio and Rutgers U as well.

T - Travel: not all that much anymore.

U - Unfulfilled ambition: Being the female Walter Cronkite

V - Vacation spot: Right here on the seashore.

W - Wardrobe: casual .. dressy when its called for.

X - X-tra facts about me: I've just about said it all whilst blogging.

Y - Years online: Since DOS.. probably late 80s

Z - Zodiac sign: Sagittarian  


  1. I find that the blog was particularly useful in answering the questions this week. I've been doing it since 2005.

  2. I do believe my friend, I knew this about you, grin. Have a beautiful day, smiles.

  3. I enjoyed your answers. My sis-in-law and brother-in-law lived in Delaware for many many years and they have always gone to "the Jersey shore." I almost said that I don't worship idols either but then I think of "things" like money and TV, etc. etc. so I would need to wink, too.

  4. Such interesting answers, but then, you are an interesting person! I admire your artistic abilities especially! You've lived an interesting life, and I enjoy reading about your past adventures. You are the only person I've met from New Jersey who actually makes it sound like a place I'd love to visit! I've driven through in a hurry to get through before, but don't know much else about it. You've "painted" a lovely picture of your home state.

  5. I always feel you live where I would like to live too. So your vacation answer was not unexpected.
    If the topper of the site is a painting of yours: my sincere compliments!!

  6. Good Morning ...47 degrees and sunny here today !
    As always , interesting questions and answers !
    V ? Absolutely !!!
    Have a splendid day !


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