Monday, November 13, 2023

Fall Y'all.. how's it going? Tuesday 4

 Happy Fall Y'all

So, can we talk about how your autumn is going this year? Maybe we can get you to post a photo  or two
of your area in autumn...big changes or not.

1. Are leaves still falling where you are or are they done now? Have they even changed yet?

Tons have fallen.. I have massive amounts in the back yard but there is a ton more to go. My Wisteria has hardly even turned yet, other trees are almost bare.

2.  Does anyone in your family go hunting? Have you ever gone? Would you tell us about it?   No one hunts in my family that I know of.   I went once and scared all the deer away on purpose.  I was not popular.

A Few Photos of Autumn here on the Bay....

 3.  Who rakes the leaves at your house?
I have to hire someone. 

4. Is football on your menu for fall? What teams get you cheering?

I am not a fan. My mother was the big fan in the family and she loved the NY Giants and the Philadelphia Eagles.




  1. Nice photos Annie! We don't hunt nor watch football either. Have a great day!

  2. Lovely photos. You have all kinds of views with the ocean and the woods and the bay area. So beautiful. We personally don't hunt, but if someone wants to share some good venison with us we won't complain! Happy November!

  3. Hi Annie, I'd be happy if autumn in my neck of the woods was to l last a few months longer but I think it's almost over. I'm glad you still have trees that haven't yet lost their leaves so you can enjoy the season. The photos you've shared are so pretty.

  4. Good Morning , All !
    There are so many leaves already on the ground , and more to come . We have oaks here that only shed a portion of their leaves in autumn...the rest are pushed off in spring by the new growth ! I live in a community whose landscapers clear the leaves...not personally up for that anymore . Not a fan of most sports , but am polite when in the company of those who do . Also , don't hunt nor know anyone who does , but if a fisherman showed up with a little "extra" , that would be lovely !
    Your photos are so beautiful ! Thank you for sharing , and continuing Toni's gift !


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