z Cottage by the Sea : Food.. Sunday Stealing

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Food.. Sunday Stealing

 The Young woman below is the Famous Anonymous kid.. my daughter's baby.  Beneath her is a young women from the King's Guard... and they are doppelgangers.       Everyone who sees the Guard is amazed that she is a twin of our Kathryn!    If you knew Kat in person you would see  the dramatic resemblance even more.  
The Famous Anonymous

I subscribe to the Guard online on Facebook and follow their adventures at work.  They are amazing young soldiers who work hard in all conditions and worst of all must put up with cheeky tourists who  sometimes drive them crazy. They do so with grace, skill and great professionalism. And make no mistake these are real soldiers and the crème de la crème at that!
I began to follow this particular young woman  as she is just like Kathryn   The first time I saw her I did a double take as I watched the video.    I showed the video to my family and they were astonished .    Little does this Guard know that 2,000 miles away she has a twin!   I have wondered if we actually could be family in some way.  Not too far fetched as most of my family live in the UK anyway.
If like our family you are a horse lover you would enjoy seeing the guard on a daily basis although as I said the tourists are insane sometimes.   
 If you visit them in London remember they are a real working duo and deserve your respect.  If you ride at all you know that what they do is not an easy job.

As for the famous anonymous who I have blogged about since she was a very little girl , she has her master's degree now and has her own patients. She wants to begin doing equine therapy for those with PTSD and other mental challenges.   

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

(Don't remember where I stole this...)

1. If you were a vegetable, which one would you be, and would you ever let yourself be smothered in cheese?   
Broccoli and yes, cheese would be great!

2. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be, and how long do you think it would take before you got sick of it?
Lasagna.. a couple of months.  Another choice would be fish and chips.. I would never tire of it.
3. Would you rather have fingers made of licorice or spaghetti noodles for hair?
noodles for hair
4. What's the most unusual pizza topping combination you can think of that might actually taste surprisingly good?
crispy fried eggplant pieces or crispy friend green tomato pieces, 
5. If you were an ice cream flavor, what would be your name, and what would the ingredients be?
 CMP.. vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and peanuts, whipped cream.  That's as close as I can come.    I don't like flavors all that much,  so just a Sunday for me.
6. If you could make a smoothie out of any three foods, which ones would you choose, and what would you name your concoction?
Vanilla ice cream, pineapple and ginger ale.     It would be a  Hawaiian float.
7. What's the funniest thing you've ever seen someone do with food?
Wear it!
8. If your favorite food could talk, what do you think it would say about you?
She really really loves me!
9. If you were a chef, what outrageous names would you give to your dishes to make them more interesting?
Silly Stew,  Downright Mean Mashed Potatoes, Bossy Beef , Clumsy Cottage Pie, 
10. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be, and what food do you think they'd be surprised to see on the menu?
I just don't know!
11. What's the weirdest or grossest thing you've ever eaten just to impress someone else?
Nothing. I  am not into weird or exotic food and I don't care if anyone is impressed or not.
12. If breakfast cereals were characters in a TV show, which cereal would be the comedic sidekick, and which one would be the evil villain?
Raisin Bran is the villain and Fruity Pebbles are the side kick
13. If you could turn one vegetable into a superpower, which one would it be, and what could you do with it?
Potato bombs... blow things up.
14. What do you think aliens would say about our strange Earth foods if they came to visit?
They would love them and say.. Yummy!
15. If foods had personalities, which two foods would make the weirdest couple, and why?
   Cauliflower and celery. One is short and fat and the other is long and tall.


  1. I had a similar idea for the last one - beets and celery - short and round and tall and thin! I enjoyed your answers!

  2. Rolling on the last one, lol....hey we all have doppelgangers, smiles.

  3. Good for you for playing along so well. I loved your answers. And yes, that Guard does look like your Kathryn.

  4. Interesting questions !
    I would , of course , be Bittersweet Chocolate Chip ice cream , with walnuts - Triple Threat !
    I don't know what food would be chosen , if it was to be the only one , but if was to sustain me for the rest of my life , I'd better learn to appreciate and be grateful for it !!
    Have a terrific day !


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