z Cottage by the Sea : Wed. Hodgepodge

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Wed. Hodgepodge

Happy Wednesday... chilly and bright here. Today the lawn gets mulched. Porches got swept this afternoon. They were loaded with lovely orange, red and yellow leaves.
Here is my entry for Wednesday Hodgepodge.

1. Are you too hard on yourself or not hard enough? Elaborate. 
 I am very hard on myself but learning not to be over time.  I can be far too nice to people.  I don't judge but realize a person has to judge proper judgment and be very aware of red flags in life.

2. What's the role of gratitude in your life? 

It's necessary to being happy. I pray before and after meals to show gratitude.

3. Where do you get your news these days? How much attention are you giving it currently? 

News just seems to find its way to me but I am selective as journalism today is mostly editorial opinion, think pieces and garbage. You get the papers opinion on things rather than the facts. It used to be that you knew the story in the first few sentences or paragraph.  Today you have to read far into the piece to get even a jist of it.  Words are spelled badly too.

4. Do you like potatoes? Last time you prepared potatoes in some way? Which of the following is your favorite...baked potato, mashed potato, french fried potato, sweet potato, hash brown potatoes, roasted potatoes, or potato salad? 

I love potatoes.  I had them tonight mashed with sour cream and butter. All of those ways are my favorite! I eat potatoes often as they are a  great source of potassium in your diet.    I do like stuffed potatoes when I can get the huge football sized Idaho kind.   Bake, scoop out, mix with ground beer and seasoning of your choice.. top with sauce. I love them with taco filling and topped with salsa and sour cream!  But they are also good with ground beef, fried peppers and onions, mushrooms and melted cheddar cheese on top.

5. Are you a veteran? Are there any veterans in your family? Will you do anything special to honor them on Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day this year? 

Not me but there are veterans  in my family. Nothing special is planned. I just remember them on their day.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

I watched one Hallmark Christmas movie with my friend Saturday night and now I am totally hooked on the season.   I am excited for Thanksgiving at a beautiful winery. They serve a lovely 8 course dinner and then we will go to a historic village for the evening.    My daughters birthday will be celebrated and my birthday party is all planned out with chips, dip, pizza, tacos and cake.  Exciting times coming up

Even the salt marsh put on it's golden autumn colors.


  1. Love that last picture. We are checking out some of the marshes here in the Myrtle Beach area. They are so beautiful and teeming with wildlife. Hope you have a really great day, Annie!

  2. Your Thanksgiving sounds like it is going to be awesome! I will be laid up from knee surgery and hoping that my husband doesn't burn the kitchen down while he makes our meal, lol!

  3. I love the salt marshes. I'm in SC and we have a lot of marsh here. Sounds like you have some fun celebrations coming up. Enjoy!

  4. I'm not one for Hallmark movies but we are about to make a list of must-watch Christmas movies then rotate in others voted on by the kids.

  5. Love the salt marshes. Sounds like you are getting ready to have some fun!! Enjoy!

  6. It sounds like your upcoming plans will be wonderful!!

  7. I love hearing about your upcoming Thanksgiving/birthday plans. Sounds wonderful!! Your baked potato sounds wonderful too. I love potatoes and we eat them frequently also. I could easily make a meal with a baked potato, cheese, sour cream, and some cooked broccoli! Have a blessed and beautiful rest of your week.

  8. Wow! That sounds like an amazing Thanksgiving meal event. Hope the rest of your week is nice.

  9. I like to watch Hallmark Christmas movies. Your Thanksgiving plans sound great!

  10. I'll be up for Thanksgiving, lolololol. Have a beautiful day friend.

  11. Hello !
    Interesting questions and answers .
    I think we need to view ourselves with wise, kind eyes...not self-indulgent , but healing the sore spots , so we can be useful to help others , too . Potatoes - Oh , Yum ! All forms are wonderful , but baked ones are my favorite !
    Those Hallmark movies are mostly warm-fuzzy-inducing...just the ticket for a brief visit to the simpler , kinder times in the past . Have a splendid day !

  12. I enjoyed your answers. I haven't watched any Hallmark Christmas movies yet.


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