z Cottage by the Sea : Hodgepodge ...

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Hodgepodge ...

his week is hopping along. Lots of things happening in the fall. Saturday night was the Littles Halloween party, earlier the girls dressed up the horses and entered them in a costume contest. My daughter came in 3rd with the headless horseman and the Famous Anonymous had her horse as Harry Potter. Tuesday was busy with trick or treaters.. what fun.

This Side of the Pond

From This Side of the Pond.. Hodgepodge

Candle in the entry way
1. Besides Thanksgiving (in the USA) what's one thing you're looking forward to in November?
My daughter's birthday on the 22nd  and my own birthday on the 25th.  I look forward to enjoying more of autumn too.

2. Do you like candles? Your favorite scent? How often do you burn a candle in your home?   
I do like candles.  I love Yankee candles because of their strong scent and I like their Balsam pine scents and Midsummer's Night.    I light candles when I am painting and when company comes.

3. What gadgets did you use today? What counts as a gadget? I used a slotted spoon to fish out my boiled egg for breakfast and a sharp knife to cut onion for my spaghetti sauce. Do they count?

4. This question is a repeat from one asked in November of 2014, but I liked it so it's coming round again. Many of you weren't here in 2014. Okay, you can have fifty pounds of something (anything but money) ... what will you choose? Also, since I mentioned it...what were you up to in November of 2014? 
50 pounds of Padparadscha.   Those are Sapphires in orange. Now a ruby is a sapphire and when they come in an orangish color we call them Padparadscha and they are rare and super expensive.  I will gladly take 50 pounds of them.   
In November of 2014 I was awaiting the above mentioned birthdays, Thanksgiving with friends and family and I was still having the girls home after school.  The Famous Anonymous was 13. and The Little was  5 so I was at the corner meeting her bus daily trussed up in my back brace.    I miss those days.
 I had also had spinal surgery and had just recovered from a 4 month hospital stay and had begun rounds of more physical therapy for the next 4 years.,
My husband was still alive then as well.   I think life was pretty good all in all back then. (he passed away from a rare fast moving cancer a bit over 2 years ago now.)
5. 'Tis the season...what's something you're feeling especially grateful for today? 
I am grateful to be alive, to have lovely caring friends and family. I am grateful to have made some kids happy today with little bags of chips I handed out for Halloween and for feeling quite chipper and good about everything.
6. Insert your own random thought here. 
I am feeling very good about life.  I am taking university courses in theology now for the past year and just began my second year.    And... I need to buy some new blue Keds.

<----See... these are eyelet Keds. Nice for summer but I think Navy blue Keds go well for this time of year. 
I bought these white Keds in a size 8 to accommodate thick socks... sigh.. they flop on and off my feet. Just way too big but they feel like floppy bedroom slippers so that's okay.
This photo was taken while watching fireworks.  Not sure how I did it .
Have a lovely day...


  1. Congrats on taking the theology courses! I'm 65 years old and I'm back in school trying to finish my two year degree and then hopefully, I'll be able to go on and finish my 4 year! I'm so sorry about your husband. My mom died when I was 15 and as an adult, I've thought about how hard that was on my dad. I imagine the same is true for you.

  2. I used to love Yankee Candle too, though like I said in my own post I only used their wax melts. Loved Midsummer Night too. I'm glad you're feeling good about your life overall despite your husband having passed away. Congrats on taking those theology courses! I badly want to go back to college to take some courses (not a full degree) in social work someday.

  3. I really cannot tolerate many scented candles at all, like all perfumed things, they give me a wicked headache. But I do like a light vanilla or cinnamon scent if I have to have one...just not for long in a closed space. Last night I had a scented cinnamon candle burning in my jack o lantern while it was outside during trick or treat, and that was nice outside! I love your girls' horse costumes! So very clever!!! And passing out chips to kids is a smart idea. Better than candy, I'd say! Congratulations to you for your continued studies in theology. That is very challenging, but it is good to keep our brains challenged as we grow older. I've thought about taking a course of some kind, but don't really have the money to do so, so I just try to keep my brain working by reading and writing. I hope you have a blessed November...with a happy birthday to you and your daughter! Sounds like a lot to be thankful for at Thanksgiving!! xoxo

  4. Oh boy...I'm wondering if I forgot to click on publish for my comment. Please forgive me if this is a repeat. Your header is beautiful and you are talented for sure. Sounds like November holds lots of wonderful celebrations besides the traditional Thanksgiving for you. Sorry to read of what a tough year 2014 was for you and your family. I can't imagine spending 4 months in the hospital. Happy November to you!

  5. This header is a beauty...in all its seasons...one of my favorites !
    The costumed horses must have been quite the sight...bet they enjoyed the extra attention !
    This month will be a busy one for you...so many lovely things to look forward to...so happy for you ! Stay safe , well , warm and wise , my friend !

  6. I love balsam pine as well. How fun to dress up the horses - my daughter's 4-H club always used to go Christmas caroling on horseback and the horses would be dressed in festive finery.

  7. I love Yankee candles too, I just can't burn them anymore because of my COPD. They really affect my breathing - I do miss having the wonderful aromas throughout the house. I did not know your hubby passed so recent as 2 years, I'm so sorry for your loss. Since 50 pounds of money is not allowed, I'll take 50 pounds of diamonds and sell them! lol

  8. Realized I never commented from last week, so better late than never. I hope you have an amazing November. Enjoyed your answers. I used to love wearing Keds. I had a favorite pair that I wore out. Then one year Costco sold them and I was so excited. I should've bought a couple pair.


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