z Cottage by the Sea : After Christmas
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

After Christmas

After Christmas...

Dec 31, 1949 Mary Petty's art

Hello Friends and Happy Holidays to you all.   

1. What are you doing New Years Eve and New Year's Day?

My house is open to friends and family New Years Eve just as my parents house was. I serve a never ending parade of food and beverage.  Movies are on.. music is on.. games are played.  

New Years day is quiet, snacks all day long, games, TV movies..etc.

2. Do you have any New Year traditions? Rose Parade? Mummers? Football games or parties?  Tradition is burning Bayberry candles.  I am not sure the Mummers parade is still around is it? It was pretty cool. I found the Rose parade a bit boring except for the Palominos.

3. Is the day after Christmas a bit of a let down or do you continue to be merry and bright? Not usually. Most holidays linger on a bit I think.  My gift this year is my bathroom being renovated and that begins today.

4.  Do you have anything in mind for the new year  and do you start off the new year with high hopes and expectations?    I expect a closer relationship with God. I want to put him first and let everything else just fall into line.


  1. I am so glad you explained what Mummers was/is. OHHHHHHH wish you would take before and after photos of the bathroom, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful Happy New Year, smiles.

  2. How exciting about the bathroom! I am excited for you.
    I have never heard of Mummers. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  3. I agree on your #4 answer. I would like that in my life too!

  4. I didn't know what "mummers" was either. Thanks fo explaining!
    We stay in New Year's. Well, we don't go out at night much anymore anyway. I'd rather be comfortable in my jammies than go anywhere.
    Blessings. xx

  5. Greetings to you all , and Happy New Year !
    The holidays are spent with dear friends...a precious gift of being grafted into their family tree ! As for New Years , I'm usually on my way home early ( to avoid those overly-imbibed and the deer , who seem to jump in front of one's car at most inopportune times !) .
    I'm aiming for #4 , as well . Congratulations on the new bathroom !!!
    May this new year , and all those to follow , bring good health , safety and peace to one and all !

  6. I enjoyed your answers. Your house sounds so fun.


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