z Cottage by the Sea : Be a Legend
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Be a Legend

So let's work on being legends if only in our own minds but at least let's aim for something higher this  new year.   Let's set a goal to be more of what God intended us to be and then let's go for it!!


  1. Greetings on a rainy , mid-50s December day , in NJ !
    Hope this finds you all safe , warm , dry and grateful for another day of life !
    Thank you for another lovely header ...all icy and gorgeous !
    Calamity Jane was right ! I took a business course once and was presented with a thought-provoking question -
    "What would you do , if you KNEW you could not fail ? "
    In many cases , thinking that way , we would finally begin to fulfill our potential !
    The human brain is amazing ! Even the geniuses among us only use a tiny fraction of its resources . Let's use this new year to reach our potential and purpose , to the Glory of God !!!

  2. Yes, I want to be exactly what He wants me to be. I often fail, but I'm so glad He always forgives!

  3. Amen! I pray that there will be more God and less of me in the new year. I want Jesus to shine forth and be the light for those who are groping in the darkness around us.


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