Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Happy New Year.

Happy New year!
Let's  start off the year with some questions about you....

1. What was your dream job when you were a little kid? Alternatively.. what is a dream date?
I wanted to be a cowboy or a pilot.
My dream date is dinner and a night at the opera.
2. Who is going to play you in the movie about your life?
My family says Sally Field or Meg Ryan.

3.What is the best life lesson you have learned so far?
Trust no one but God..
4. What is your favorite name for a girl.. how about for a boy?
I like Ayelet (eye-a-let.. Hebrew for Gazelle) for a girl. Jared for a boy. Of course I like my children's names but these are what I would use today.

Thank you for making Tuesday 4 a success and for helping to keep Toni's project going. I know she would be pleased.   I am so grateful for all of you.  


  1. Ayelet sounds like a beautiful name, and I do like Jared too. I think I misunderstood what a "dream date" was, since I am so far away from dream dates...LOL. So my answer might be a bit numb. (not dumb, just numb. LOL.) Have a wonderful day.

  2. I enjoyed reading your answers. Thanks for continuing with Tuesday 4.

  3. Yes, when I named our daughter it was a very special family name, but now I do have other favorites! Great questions. This was hun!

  4. cowboy, how fun! I like the names you picked...the names are definitely different now a days. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


  5. Cool post !
    My maternal grandmother's name meant "A pearl - beautiful and compassionate " .
    It fit her perfectly ! The problem came when , wanting those qualities for my newborn daughter , that name was passed to the little one . Her character didn't fit well with that beautiful name ... her character chafed against it and finally won out . Sadly , giving names to others is very tricky business !
    Wishing you all , all good things , always !


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