z Cottage by the Sea : This Could be the Start of Something Great...

Friday, January 5, 2024

This Could be the Start of Something Great...

Yes it really could be.... I am counting on it.   God provides for us in the most amazing ways and can help us along our way even when we do not see it.
I write these on Friday but we are looking for a marvelous snow storm on Saturday.  I hope it comes to pass.  Snow brings peace.  As it falls everything is silent. You can sometimes hear it falling, layering itself on the ground around.  It's good to be out in it and then come back inside cold and refreshed.

Saturday 9: This Could Be the Start of Something (1959)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune?             Hear it here.
Welcome to the first Saturday 9 on 2024.
 1) We're beginning the year with an optimistic song about starting something new. Right now, are you feeling positive about 2024?
2) In this song, Jack Jones sings that because he's on a diet he declines a rich dessert. Are you trying to lose a few pounds after the holidays?
I've lost weight! 
3) The specific dessert referred to is a Charlotte Russe, a cake made with custard, fruit, cream, whiskey and gelatin. Preparation sounds like a great deal of work! What's the most recent dish you whipped up in your kitchen?
Beef Stroganoff.. White Coconut Cake,  Pasta Primavera for lunch.
4) The lyrics contrast dining at Sardi's in New York with sunbathing in Malibu. Do you enjoy nightlife or are you more outdoorsy?
I am both and like both very much.
5) This week's song was written by Steve Allen. While best known for his work on TV (he was the first host of The Tonight Show), he was also a composer who felt most creative at the piano. When do you feel most creative?
 Painting and piano
6) This week's artist, Jack Jones, won a pair of Grammy Awards and has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Yet he's probably best known for singing the song that welcomed travelers aboard The Love Boat every week. What TV theme song can you sing along with?
 The Greatest American Hero theme
7) In 1959, when this song was popular, "continuing dramas" (aka soap operas) like Young Dr. Malone and Ma Perkins were broadcast daily on the radio. When you turn on the radio, do you listen for news, talk or music?
 I am a huge fan not only of Trains but of old time radio programs, most specifically mysteries and detective programs from the 30s, 40s and 50s!
I live in a very odd section of NJ.  We are right on the coast and have a  micro climate.  We don't get the same weather as the rest of NJ and we do not really get radio except for 2 or 3 stations.  When TV antennas were a thing you could not get anything here and there was horrible snow and static until cable came along.
8) Now let's turn the calendar and our attention from 1959 to 2024. Is there a skill you're looking forward to learning, or improving, this year?
Always learning more in anthropology and I am studying theology right now.
9) Have you purchased anything on impulse yet this year?
I almost never have bought on impulse.  I think long and hard before making purchases.


  1. Oh, I hope you have a lovely snow storm, but without the 'drama' snow storms can bring, like loss of power and bad ice on roads, etc. Just a lovely soft snow that you can watch and enjoy and later go out and make a snowman! We are getting a LOT of rain today here in Florida. If it were snow, it would be a snowstorm! So I guess it is a good day for everyone to stay home and enjoy being safe and cozy. I enjoyed your answers to the questions. I love how creative you are with your painting, and would enjoy hearing you play the piano. I love that you are very optimistic about 2024. I am praying it will be a good year for us in many ways. Praying for our nation at the top of that list! Okay, have a lovely snow day. I hope your bathroom is almost done? Be sure to show us pictures when it is done!

  2. Yum on #3, grin. I hope the snowstorm won't be too bad, I see our former area where we use to live is supposed to get almost a foot of it. Nothing but heavy rain here in Florida, grin. How's the bathroom remodel going? smiles

  3. Hee on Long Island we’re supposed to get rain, not snow. But we’re still hunkering down.

  4. Our snow is rain. We've had plenty of that so far. Not complaining. Rain can make for a pretty Spring. I hope your snow wasn't too heavy.
    Yay on the losing weight! Well done.
    Blessings. xx

  5. I have never made a white coconut cake, but it is my husband's favorite cake. His mother used to make it.

  6. Thinking of you and hoping all is well .
    Love ALL your headers ! You have a unique talent that lets your paintings each evoke a mood ...not easy to do .Kudos on the slimmer you !!!


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