Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day Friends.     I hope your day is a good one.   Here it is sunny and cold. Is it nice where you are today?     
As I was cleaning up the kitchen, which is on the south side of my house and super sunny all day long, I got a summery feeling and a "the kids are in school" feeling.   I sat down at the kitchen table and went back in time for a few minutes.   The only thing missing was my kitchen radio which I miss quite a lot.
Do places, situations, music etc sometimes take you back in time?   I love those moments.  
I am also looking to buy a Corsair radio with blue tooth.  Radio reception here is nonexistent for all intents and purposes so blue tooth would fit the bill!!      
Recently my son said that he was very influenced by me listening to the radio in the kitchen during the day.    I remember those days but I remember him coming home and the two of us watching Batman the cartoon series.   


  1. That must have been a sweet memory for you in the kitchen. I have those occasionally but these memories are mostly only about things and places Steve and I have been.
    How's the house reno going? Hope that's done soon. It's no fun living in a construction zone especially if it drags on and on.
    Hope your day was special and fun. We're going out tomorrow after all the hoopla settles down. I'm not really into V Day. Just not my cup of tea. (I'm boring, I know.) *grin*
    Blessings. xx

  2. I love moments like you mentioned in the kitchen. I am glad you sat down to enjoy it and even write about it. Memories are a great thing.
    It was actually sunny and warm in the 60's here today. I was able to take the kids out to play. They had so much energy from knowing a party was coming. Happy Valentine's Day! Love you! ♥

  3. That was a refreshing and sweet little memory moment. Thank you for sharing it with us. I used to listen to the radio years ago, and more so when I was commuting back and forth to work 40 miles one way. Now it seems that I really don't like the "noise" that much and prefer just the sounds of nature and daily life routine. But I love your sweet kitchen memories with your son...and watching Batman together. Those are precious memories. It was cool and sunny here yesterday too. A very pretty Valentine's Day. Hope your bathroom is done by now? Just wondering. I know you will be glad when all is back in order. Have a lovely day my friend.

  4. Such wonderful memories !
    When my son was little , the record player was on and we'd dance together...all silly and happy...good times ! Thank you for all these terrific posts !


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