Monday, February 12, 2024

Banana Splits

 Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we ask you just four questions weekly.
 The painting is named Banana Splits and is by Amos Sewell.   It tells a story but I think the story is left up to us to figure out.    By the way if you are interested in learning about the story behind paintings I recommend Sister Wendy.  You can find her classes here on YouTube and believe me you will not be sorry.

Here is today's Tuesday 4...

1. What do you think the man in the painting is thinking?

He looks very disapproving of the children and their banana splits.  I suspect he is a business man who doesn't like to see these children enjoying those great big splits while he isn't!

2.  In your story what  kind of sandwich and beverage is he having? I think he is having  tea because there is a Bown Betty by him and the sandwich, which appears to be cut in quarters, is probably tuna or egg salad. From this I get the feeling he is a punctilious, picky and prissy kind of man.  That would account for the disproval. 

3.  Do you think he is a stranger to the children or does he know them?  Why do you think so?     To me he seems like a stranger who disapproves of the ice cream treats and the children! He is also leaning a bit to the side as if to not have any contact with the little girl.

4. Do you keep ice cream at home?     Banana splits usually have 3 or 4 scoops of ice cream.   What flavor ice cream should be in your banana split?  

I rarely have ice cream in the house for myself but I will get some for the kids and as a holiday dessert.        As a kid my mother would send me to the corner drug store to buy a half gallon of ice cream.  It would be butter pecan, cherry vanilla, or vanilla and chocolate.   I really did like cherry vanilla with the big chunks of black sweet  cherries in it.    

My mother always had Klondike bars in the freezer and I was allowed toby a toasted coconut bar from the Good Humor man when he came around.

For my banana split, I would like all vanilla please! My first banana split was compliments of my grandpa at Woolworths.    My grandpa and I watched the trains a lot. We would sit and see them come and go just a block from our house on the main street.  Sometimes we would hop on and go to Elizabeth and then one day I had a huge banana split at Woolworths... Vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, cherries, nuts and tons of whipped cream.  It was then I learned how delicious bananas and ice cream are together!!


  1. I need to have a banana split once in my life.
    I enjoyed this very much today. I love all of the interpretations. Loved your answers. Have a beautiful week. ♥

  2. Good thoughts about each one today. I agree that he is having tea because of the teapot, but I never thought about the tuna fish sandwich. I said grilled cheese like most everyone else. But I do agree that he is a bit too prissy and isn't comfortable around children, especially potentially messy ones. This was fun today. I love your memories with your grandpa and the trains and Woolworths! Blessings to you today.

  3. That fella does look like he's not a fan of kids. That's OK as long as he doesn't say or do cruel things.
    The description of his lunch made me hungry. Now I want a egg salad sandwich. LOL
    Now I see why the love for trains. It's a sweet memory of you and Grandpa. That's adorable. We had a Montgomery Wards in Florida. I think they're kinda like Woolworths. It was similar to a 5 & Dime anyway.
    Fun post. Hope your evening is blessed. xx

  4. Before I go put some eggs on to boil...haha I am going to make sure I posted at the correct blog. So I know I posted my Friendly Fill In's at this blog. It has been a whirlwind week. Please take care and I sure loved your answers. Your description of that man were perfect to a "T"! Thanks for all you do.


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