Sunday, February 4, 2024

Sunday Stealing Once Again

Today is Sunday and super sunny and cold out and that means Sunday Stealing with Bev!  This week is questions stolen from Compassion International.

1. What three words best describe you?
This is one of those questions that are impossible to answer for yourself or even to have someone else answer for you.   It is impossible really.
2. What makes you unique?  
Every human, every animal is unique and no two are ever alike. Only God can answer the question of what makes me unique.  No one else is able to do that.  Who can you   compare yourself to in order to judge what is and is not unique?
3. Who is someone important in your life?
All of my family and friends are important and without any of them life would be lacking.
Noodles the Corporates dog calendar

4. What is something that always makes you laugh?
Steve Inman's commentaries (which you can find on Rumble, YouTube, and Instagram) and lately Noodles the Pooch skits on Facebook and Instagram.
5. Who is someone who can always cheer you up?
Noodles of course.  You can watch a short skit   HERE.

6. When was a time you were really proud of yourself?
If I was it would have lasted all of about 6  seconds and then faded off into oblivion.
7. What is something that is difficult for you?
To get going!   Side note: did you know the verb to go means to walk?  So if you said to someone during the middle English times that you were going in a wagon they would think you meant you were walking in a wagon.     Did you have to read Middle and Old English in school>  Canterbury Tales which is in middle English and Beowulf in Old English were what we had to learn. How about you?
8. What three places would you love to travel to?  1. Frackville, Pennsylvania to visit family graves then go for lunch at the Dutch Kitchen to have chicken croquettes.   If my Uncle John's old home went up for sale there I would love to move there too.  Its a tiny town on top of the mountain in Schuylkill county and its a depressed area.    I don't care.   I want to live in that little house.  I want to eat at the Dutch Kitchen weekly.  I want to shop at the  grocer that sells tomato jam and Turkey molasses and German summer sausage and good German cheese.
2. Prince Edward Island because I love it there.
3. Back in time 
9. What is a fun memory you have with your best friend?  That would be Katie who you see comment here a lot. 
Getting lost.
10. If you could have dessert for breakfast, what would you eat?  A Napoleon  and a hot cup of strong tea with milk, no sugar.
A Napoleon

11. If you published a book or wrote a movie, what would it be about?
I did publish books,  ghost written mostly and all were mystery novels. 
12. Which is easier, math or English?
 They are equal.

13.What three things make you the happiest?
Food, being outside, having fun with people.

14. What is an event in your life that has shaped who you are today?
I was born disabled, got well and now am disabled again.  That had a hand in shaping.  The death of children also has a hand in that.
15. Which is more important, being kind or being honest?
Being kind.  Honesty is relative.  Now before you get your knickers in a twist let me explain.
The ten commandments says you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.  This is not the same as lying about your age, weight or the quality of your great Aunt Jane's scones (which we used as door stops actually>)
If some bad guy in a uniform asks me if Anne Frank is hiding in my attic I am going to lie.   Without one moment of hesitation the lying forked tongue will dart forth with the biggest most believable fibs, fabrications and outright barn burning scorchers of lies you have ever heard.    So, there. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
Now here.. have a treat: Lean Horne, gorgeous, quintessential lady with a heavenly voice.... oh yes.. oh yes.  If you want another version thats pretty darn great Etta James does a great job too.


  1. Noodles the Pooch used to come up on the TicToc video's but hasn't in awhile. I need to find them again. Left me in stitches they did.
    I would lie to protect someone's life. Yep. I'll do it. And with a straight face too.
    You did this one so much better than me. My brain couldn't do all the questions. I think I'm tired.
    Lena Horne did have a great voice. I wish I could sing like that. *sigh*
    Love & Prayers From the Soggy South. xx

  2. Many years ago, I read a book called Lying by Sissela Bok, which is about a philosophical look at prevarication. One example involved lying for a good cause (as you rightly noted) but how the lie might inadvertently lead the villains to Anne Frank. Tricky stuff. And still, I would do the sa,me as you.

  3. You handled these difficult questions with such charm and intelligence and wisdom. That is something you are very good at and should be proud of yourself! :) And yes, I agree with you regarding the issues about "lying" to protect someone, etc. There are times when we have to consider that the life of another is more important than our own integrity. God understands that. Thank you for your candor. Have a blessed week. Hey, is your bathroom all fixed yet? Did I miss a post? Hoping to see pictures of the finished product.

    1. Just about done. It was majorly a mess and it had to be rebuilt down to the sub floor and walls. A few more days of tweaking and decorating and it will be a real live bathroom like other people have!!!

  4. I agree about the lying. I was able to see the Diary of Anne Frank Exhibit in Los Angeles Museum of Tolerance. We went the same day Kobe Bryat died.

  5. I didn't think anyone heard of Frackville. My father would take my mother there often. The lived in Connecticut so it wasn't too far. I believe mother liked it due to the Orthodox church? How surprising to read about that town. Of course that time was many years ago.

    1. Yes, Holy Ascension Russian Orthodox Church is in Frackville! Most people never heard of Frackville!

    2. That church was the reason my dad took my mother. She missed attending a Russian Orthodox church.

  6. Go back in time? I would do that too - but I would also go forward in time.





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