Tuesday, February 6, 2024

You and Your Books

Happy Tuesday friends.
My bathroom is almost complete.  There are just a few tweaks needed and I am contemplating not painting the vanity but buying a larger one.  I do need more storage space.  I will post before and after photos when it is done.  The bathroom got a new subfloor, new top floor, new ceiling, new shower, new walls, new lighting and etc.  Believe me it needed it all.   The subfloor had rotted out and it was dangerous.
 I hope you are enjoying doing the Tuesday 4 questions.   I try to keep the questions interesting and up to date. Let me know if you have any ideas you would like to share.

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4... Let's jump right in.

1. Which books never grow old for you?

I always enjoy the Robert Spenser series of Spenser for Hire and Jesse Stone.      I also also enjoy Agatha Christie novels.

2. We will make a movie from your favorite novel.  Which actors would fit the parts well?

Early  Autumn is one of my favorite novels by  Robert Spenser and it was already cast with Robert Urich as Spenser, Avery Brooks as Hawk and Barbara Stock as Susan Silverman.   The Jesse Stone novels were cast with Tom Selleck as Jesse Stone.  

Although I liked all three of the Miss Marple's I thought Joan Hickson was best and of course David Suchet as Hercule Poirot.

3. Do  you find yourself daydreaming and thinking about the books you read?

Yes.  I remember thinking a lot about the heroine of the novel One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell as we are lead to believe a certain thing without anyone coming out and saying it.  Her husband in the novel was a horrid person and I wondered about that a lot.

I would also sometimes think about the personality of Poirot's associate Arthur Hastings and wonder about what sort of private life he might lead.

4.   When you get ready to sit down and read is there a ritual to it? Do you assemble a drink or snacks? How do you make yourself comfy?

I will make a cup of tea or coffee. Then I sit down at the computer if reading online and at the dining room table if it's a book. 


  1. Those books all sound intriguing and interesting! Thank you for sharing. I am so glad to hear that your bathroom is almost done! Can't wait to see the pictures! I know you are happy to have it finally done!!!

  2. Thank you Annie for continuing Tuesday 4. You do a great job with the questions.
    I enjoyed reading your answers. I've never read the books you've mentioned. So glad you bathroom is almost finished. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos. Have a great day!


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