z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Photos...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, March 22, 2024

Friday Photos...

riday is here. It's been cool in the daytime and cold at night. The arthritis chart is off the scale as far as hurting goes and by Saturday it will be way off the charts and we are due for a large storm.    Tonight it is 30F.. brrrr.
 It says: Increasingly windy with rain, becoming heavy at times; watch for coastal flooding, rough surf and beach erosion.  Of course arthritis pain levels will be highly elevated.
If you have arthritis or old injuries that hurt or auto immune problems you might like to find out what the arthritis levels are.  It also will alert you to sinus, migraine, etc.    Just type your town name, then weather arthritis and  sites will pop up to show you.
Please add to your prayers the numerous First Nations/Native American women who go missing with no explanation at all.   It is at epidemic proportions and no one seems to care or do much serious investigation.  It is nothing short of devastating so I am asking for your continued prayers.   It seems David Paulides of Canam Missing 411 is looking at it to some extent.
Here are some photographs for Friday.  All are taken right here around me.


  1. How pretty! So sorry the cold is makin' you achy. It's still chilly here but warmin' up fast. All my little flower & veg seedlings look very happy.
    Blessings. 💙

    1. It's not the cold but the barometric pressure. It acts like a pressure bandage for your body. When pressure goes down as in a storm, etc. The inflammation in the body expands causing pain. I am happy the garden is doing well and I hope you will share photos when it all comes into bloom!!

  2. Pretty beach scenes, and I like the sky in the last photo!

  3. I wish you could get some relief soon!!
    Great photos that you share with us today.

  4. I hope your arthritis won't kicked up too much over the weekend. I enjoyed your photos as always. It's great living by the waterfront isn't it? As for the MIMW, I've been aware of the issue for quite some time. It's been a problem for many decades. Only now is it getting media, political and policing attention but so far I don't think it has been anywhere close to reducing the numbers of missing and murdered.


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