z Cottage by the Sea : I've Got the Time
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, March 22, 2024

I've Got the Time

On a cold, rainy, blustery day....
Saturday 9: If You've Got the Money (1950)
This saying also has a very nasty meaning.. just saying.
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it HERE.
1) In this week's song, Lefty Frizzell is eager to go out on the town and hit all the night spots. What are your plans for the weekend?
Just to take it easy.
2) He tells his girl he'd rather ride in her Cadillac than his old car. Back in the 1950s, Caddys were quite the status symbol. Lefty bought a white one with the profits from this record. Elvis also had a fondness for Cadillacs and preferred pink. Have you ever owned a Cadillac?
No, I haven't owned a Cadillac.
3) Lefty was a big deal in Big Spring, TX. He was a popular attraction at local bars, a favorite among oil workers who liked to unwind by listening to live music. How do you relax after a tough day?
Watching a movie, painting or games. All of those are great.

4) This was Lefty's first hit. He wrote "If You've Got the Money" and recorded a demo for producer Jim Beck to play for established singers. When no one else wanted to record it, Beck decided to give Lefty a shot. The result was a million seller that spent 22 weeks on the country charts. Tell us about someone who took a chance on you.
I really can't think of anyone who did.  

5) After this record became a hit, success came quickly to Lefty, perhaps too fast. He signed conflicting contracts with promoters and managers which resulted in lawsuits. Have you recently consulted a lawyer or had a document notarized?
Nope.. nothing legal in a while.
6) This song hit number one on the country charts twice: first this version and then in 1976 by Willie Nelson. Do you have a favorite Willie Nelson song?
I guess Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.

7) In 1950, when this song was popular, Americans began using credit cards. Do you pay with a credit card to get rewards?   If yes, what rewards are you accumulating (cash back, airline miles, etc.)? 
Nope,nope, nope.
8) Also in 1950, Sears Roebuck and Co. acknowledged a major spike in catalog sales and took the unusual move of devoting the cover of their Spring/Summer catalog to their "satisfaction guarantee." This was meant to allay the fear of customers uncomfortable with ordering by mail instead of buying in person. 74 years later, Amazon delivers more than 3 million packages every day. Would you rather check out a product yourself in a store, or do you prefer the convenience of ordering from home?
Check it out in person.  Online is destroying society. People are forgetting how to get along in public.

9) Random question -- You're singing along with the car radio to your favorite song when you reach your destination. Do you wait until your song is over to get out of the car?
 Get out of the car usually.


  1. That song is a blast from the past!
    Our Society is becoming more and more unsociable. I think it's for a multitude of reasons. It's something I pray about. Often.

  2. I agree with you on #8, but I can't help myself. The shopping places are so far away from my house.
    I love Willie Nelson songs. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥


  3. I agree, people are becoming more rude. But that’s why I hate shopping.

  4. People are becoming meaner and angrier all the time. I really don't know why. I didn't realize Willie Nelson did Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain.

  5. I don't mind going out shopping and haven't encountered many problems. I think people are more tired. I try not to take things to personal. I don't shop as much as I used to. I always enjoy the headers you paint.


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