z Cottage by the Sea : Taco Tuesday
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday

 Hey there... Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Betty is a taco fan!
I hope your week went well.  

Taco Tuesday was coined by a Taco John's owner back in 1980 when he needed to jack up sales for Tuesday the slowest day of the week.   His franchise began offering 2 tacos for 99¢.  It was a huge hit and Taco Tuesday became a big hit in America.  But it's original name was Taco Twos Day.

Could we look at Tuesday a bit?

1. Do you take part in this nationwide ritual and have tacos on Tuesday or do you like them any old time?   Tacos are good any time! I
used to make taco salads in a bag of Doritos but haven't in a while.  You take individual bags of Doritos (any flavor works) and half it, then pile in taco salad. You eat it out of the bag. It's quite good but very salty so I no longer eat that.   I would never turn down a few tacos! 

2. This particular Taco John's was in Wyoming.  Does your state have a favorite fast food place and do you like eating there?   I looked it up and got 4 different answers! McDonalds looks busy. Jersey Mike's does a good business. One site said Chick fil a,  but, over all I don't really know.

3. Taco Tuesday was trademarked in 1989 in 49 states except New Jersey where the Gregory Hotel owns that trademark.  Taco Bell wants to sue over the use of the term.  What do you think about that?   I don't think it hurts anyone else's business.

4. How do you like your tacos? Soft or hard shell? Hot, medium or mild salsa? Cheese? Sour cream?  I am partial to hard shell white corn, mild salsa, chopped tomato, cheese and sour cream.  I make my own taco seasoning without salt and using unsalted chili powder.  It is exactly like what you buy in the seasoning bag but healthier.



  1. Great answers. I never thought of making my own taco seasoning.

  2. I've never thought of a taco in a bag, we do chili pie that way using Fritos! So good.

  3. I have heard of taco salad, but not out of the bag. That is nice that you make your own seasoning. Sometimes I put sour cream on my tostada, but not my taco.

  4. I am down for tacos anytime too! That sounds so good. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.


  5. I do love taco nights at our house as Danny makes them perfectly. I'll take them with mild salsa, lettuce and plenty of cheese! Blessings!

  6. Not a taco fan. I would say our state favorite fast food place is Culvers but

  7. I've seen several people doing the taco salads in the bags. I haven't tried that yet. I think it would be great for camping.


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