z Cottage by the Sea : What's Cooking?
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

What's Cooking?

Hello.  Here it is Tuesday already and time for Tuesday 4.
I like the picture I choose for this one today. I like yellow and red in a kitchen or even yellow and blue.  They are such happy combinations I think.

 Welcome, welcome.  It's good to have you back for another visit.  I hope you are keeping well and are up for another of Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 questions.

Could we discuss cooking and kitchens today? (To which I answer: "Why yes, of course we can.")

1.How did you learn to cook?  From watching my mom and grandmothers. My mother's mother was a baker during the Depression.  She baked bread, cakes and pies to sell to support the family.    I also had 6 years of home economics in middle school and high school... sewing, cooking, home management, etc.

2. Do you have a favorite cookbook?   Yes I have a few.   The Avon cookbook with recipes from fellow Avon representatives the world over.  My Russian Tea Room cookbook, a lovely cookbook put out by some church ladies, and the 1960s version of the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook which is a gem! It has everything in it.  

3.What is your cooking specialty?   I bake very good soft pretzels, jelly rolls and cakes.  My family also love my meatloaf and my Italian foods.

4. Is your kitchen well suited for you and if not how would you improve it?  The other day my sink backed up and contained a lot of rust.  The sink is very old and has had it.  I would replace it but the counter top has sunk behind the sink and I need  to replace the  entire kitchen counter.  Not sure what I will do now.



  1. So sorry to hear about the state of your kitchen sink, Annie, and hope you can resolve that issue soon. You sound like a wonderful cook!

  2. It's hard when our homes start needing repairs and replacements. Hope you'll figure out what to do. I love that Better Homes and Garden cookbook too!

    1. Opps... I had meant to change that. It is the Good Housekeeping cookbook from the 1960s. But the other one is great too. Yup, the house is getting way up there in age. Just had to put on a whole new roof. Never ends!

  3. I can imagine that you are a very good cook! You have some interesting ideas and specialties. I am so sorry to hear about your kitchen sink and counter. Praying something can be done quickly to fix all of that for you. Maybe the same sweet fairies who fixed your bathroom and come back and fix your kitchen sink too. We can always pray...God knows your needs and He will provide. We can't very well live without a kitchen sink!

  4. 6 years of Home Ec? I am so jealous. I only had one.
    I am so sorry about your sink. We had to replace the plumbing under our house a few months ago. It was so expensive. We need to replace the floor in our laundry room also. Always something to fix. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥


  5. Sorry to hear about your sink, seems like there is always upkeep to be done.
    Have a great week.

  6. Oh no, sorry about your sink and counter. Hopefully you can find a creative and cost effective solution. Those cookbooks sound interesting.


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