z Cottage by the Sea : Saturday 9

Friday, June 21, 2024

Saturday 9

Hi friends. I hope your weekend will be glorious.    Here it is another Friday which came about on the very heels of last Friday it seems.   It is 97F outside today but, does not seem all that hot to me.     There is a breeze blowing , sun shining brightly.. all in all a beautiful day.      Of course I made myself a promise to find peace and happiness in every day.   Give it a try.
Hank Williams
 I am joining in for   Saturday 9  brought to use by Sam Winters.
Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive (1952)
Unfamiliar with this week's song?    Hear it  HERE 

1) In this song, Hank Williams sings that his fishing pole is broke and the creek is full of sand. OK, so he can't spend his Saturday fishing. What are your Saturday plans?
I have no plans on Saturdays.  

2) He regrets how shabby his shoes are. Do you shop for shoes online, or do you prefer going to the store and trying them on?
I want to try them on to be sure they fit right.

3) This was the last Hank Williams song to be released during his lifetime. Though he was only 29 when he died, he left an enduring mark on American music and is considered one of country music's greatest singer/songwriters. Who is your favorite country music performer?
George Strait among others but my favorite country song is Amarillo by Morning so... George is the man

4) Elvis was a big fan and his favorite Hank Williams song was "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry." What's your favorite Elvis song?
I really am not an Elvis fan.  My grandmother loved his songs though.  She liked Can't Help Falling in Love and the Hawaiian Wedding song.

5) Johnny Cash was a big Hank Williams fan, too. He performed Hank's gospel song, "I Saw the Light" often in concert and during his guest starring role in a 1974 episode of Columbo. Did you watch Columbo, or do you stream it or catch it in reruns?
I like Columbo a lot.

6) Hank was a prolific songwriter, composing songs on his guitar and then printing the lyrics by hand on notepaper. He never learned to read music. Can you read music?
Yes I can read music.

7) When he was a teen, Hank sang and played his guitar on the sidewalk in front of a local radio station, making a little money and hoping to be discovered. His plan worked and he was occasionally invited in to play with the radio station's house band. Were you a hard-working teen?
I had jobs but I really spent more time in the ocean surfing than I did on land working.  I was usually on the beach.

8) Hank suffered from a congenital spinal condition and began self-medicating with alcohol during his teen years. He was warned against this early on by country superstar Ray Acuff, but Hank was unable to deal with the pain without liquor. Can you recall wise advise you wish you'd taken, but didn't?
No, I usually took advice given to me.

9) Random question: What's your favorite Mexican food?
 I like tacos and enchiladas very much.
  Oh, and fish Vera Cruz.  The recipe comes from a Mexican lady who was an Avon representative. Avon asked us to send in recipes from all over the world.
Here is the recipe for Fish Vera Cruz  on my Rock & Roll Café blog.


  1. If I lived near the ocean, I would be there a lot. We are going on Saturday. Your fish Vera Cruz sounds good!

  2. Hank Williams certainly is a country legend, Annie. How sad it is that he died so young. Blessings!

  3. Oh, George Strait ... *sigh* Yep, he's da man. *lol* I'm not an Elvis fan either but I do enjoy his version of "Kentucky Rain". That one always makes me tear up.

  4. I a just imagine you on your surf board as a young lady! YOU ahve had quite an adventurous life... compared to mine!!!

  5. I spent a lot of time on the lake where I live. So many people have boats. We had so much fun. The ocean would have been better, but that's ok. I didn't get tired very easy then, so I was always doing something. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥


  6. Love me some George Strait! I still watch Columbo, he makes me laugh but he always gets his man.

  7. I need to pick up my beach pass … I used to spend a lot of time at the beach and need to go back …

  8. I have never heard the original version of Amarillo by Morning but my father sings that song. It is a pretty song.

  9. I am envious that you learned to surf. I wanted to so badly, and did try a few times, but didn't live close enough to the ocean to go often enough to get it right. I mostly got bruises on my pelvic bones from paddling out on the surfboard. I was skinny back then and didn't have much meat on my bones. LOL. I never realized Hank Williams was so young when he died. I've never been a big country music fan, so I guess I just didn't know that at all. I was never a huge Elvis fan either. My older sister was. I did like some of his music, but he just wasn't my type. LOL. Oh, we love Columbo too. We went on a Columbo binge a couple of years ago and watched every episode. We may go back and do it again now that time enough has elapsed so we'll forget the plots. LOL. Have a "cool" weekend. I love your header painting. That is gorgeous!!!!

  10. I like George Strait, too, and Amarillo by Morning is a beautiful song. I've always loved it.


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