z Cottage by the Sea : Wild Life

Monday, June 17, 2024

Wild Life

Wild Life


Tuesday 4 is here once again. 

I was thinking about wild life that is all around us.  Summer brings us out of the house and we spend more time outdoors, weather permitting,  and have an opportunity to see animals and birds that live around us.

1. Do you see many animals where you live? Is your answer a good or bad thing?

Yes there are a lot of animals here and I think that's a good thing.

2. What kind of animals and birds are around your area?  

Deer, otter, raccoons, foxes, bob cats, muskrats, beaver, ground hogs, bears though you don't see them at all really,   As far as birds there are swans, all kinds of ducks, osprey, eagles both golden and bald, sea hawks, red hawks, tons of sea gulls and other sea birds like sand pipes.  We also see vultures, egrets, heron and then the usual song birds along with crows, ravens, etc.  Also tons of rabbits live in the salt marsh and I once found a baby mink back there too. He fell asleep by me. He was the most darling little fellow ever!      We also have a ton of coyote. 

There have been sightings of mountain lions in north Jersey.     A state policeman photographed one in his backyard.

3. What kind of animals and birds could you do without and what kind would you love to see more  often?     There aren't many I could do without.  As for wishing to see more of.. I like the foxes. The scream of the Vixen is like a woman being attacked.. very eerie sound late at night1              While I do like the look of the herons and egret I don't like that they ate all my beautiful adult fish.. most were about 25 years old.. their children continue but the big ones are all gone now.  

 Fie upon you Egret!!!   Fie I say you foul fowl!! Take thy nasty self and begone thou disreputable varlet! Thou dost hide thy stinky personality behind thy beauty but I am not fooled by it.

4. Do you feed wild birds or animals ?  I used to feed them but I don't think it's a good idea.

Thanks for joining in friends!


  1. Wow, Annie, what a vast array of critters you have in your backyard! We used to feed the birds at our home, but don't do it anymore, either. I love seeing the deer that wander through the neighborhood.

  2. It's wonderful for me having all these critters around. The only thing I don't like are the biting flies this year but that's another story. We feed all the songbirds, deer and squirrels around us. Their antics are fun to watch. Better than TV. Blessings. 💙

    1. We now have yellow flies which only used to be in the south. But as things have heated up here in NJ they have migrated northward. They are horrible!

  3. I'm glad you have so many wild critters around.

  4. I know I remember when the Heron or Egret ate your goldfish. That wasn't very nice. Thankfully we don't have any pet fish here, only the wild ones in the pond and the water birds are welcome to them as they seldom get big enough for us to fish for. The pond is too shallow for that. (and mucky). Wow, a Mountain Lion in New Jersey! Although I do know that you have mountains in NJ. But not in the cities... The Florida Panther is our state animal, but they are endangered and are rarely ever seen. They look like a mountain lion...golden and beautiful. Our son did see one in the forest one time early in the morning on his way to work. It was a rare sighting for that area especially. Oh, I see you and Sparky talking about yellow flies, or deer flies as we call them here. Yes, they are hateful, especially when we go walking in the evening. And then there's the mosquitoes and horseflies! Yep, we do have those! I try not to allow them to feed on me! Thank you for this post this week. It was fun, as you know I am always enjoying the wildlife around here!

    1. Mountain lions, pumas, panthers are all the same thing. NJ has only 2 towns that could be called cities and they are small compared with the cities in NY or Florida etc. We have the Appalachian Mt ns.. the Watchung The Kittatinny Mt , Ramapo Mt . And we are more than 3/4 forests and Pinelands. Then most of NJ is small villages and towns.

  5. Shame on the egrets and herons for eating your fish, but such is nature. And the life cycle goes on. Blessings to you Annie♥

  6. I forgot about all the fowl in our area by the open spaces. You have opened my mind. I appreciate you and all you do to keep this Tuesday4 up. Thank you.


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