z Cottage by the Sea : Stealing

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Cheers to all us thieves
Time for Sunday Stealing... Thank you Bev Sykes!
                                             Stolen from League of Extraordinary Penpals

1. What would you put in a time capsule? 
 News articles from the past 50 years or so to give the future a good laugh at how things are.

 2. What’s something you’re really good at?
 Making people mad at me. 

 3. What part of society would you like to change ?

Both the guys running say they understand the problems we face and well they should as they created them! 
But I think the 2 party system is evil and of course, I do think it is 2 sides of one coin.      Good cop/bad cop kind of thing.  Promise her anything but give her Arpege.
No matter who you vote for you get the same run around and no progress at all.
So I vote for Pat Paulsen each year because even deceased he is a better man and candidate than the two what evers running yet again.   As George Carlin said, "It's a big club and you ain't in it." Yes, but they are  in it or they wouldn't be allowed to run.  
Pat, however, is a simple, ordinary savior of America's destiny and I know this because he said so on the Smother's Brothers Show in 1968!

 4. What have you eaten in the past 24 hours?
     Nothing but water.

 5. What is an unusual fact about you? 
 I have always known when someone is going to die or is dead.  

  6. Do you collect anything? 
Dirty laundry.

7. Have you played sports? 
I guess you mean team sports so the answer is yes.   Girl's baseball, field hockey, 

 8. What is your favorite blog?
More like Vlogs. One would be  Metatron 

 9. Ketchup vs. mustard? 
Both are necessary.

 10. Do you believe in ghosts or aliens? 
 No I don't.

 11. The last movie you saw in a theater. 
 I think it was Christopher Robin but if not I can't really remember the last one I saw.

 12. The silliest thing you have done this week.
Uh oh...

Forgetting that people don't want to hear any views but their own and that is their right.
        Don't be like me... keep your opinions to yourself!         

 13. Have you ever done anything illegal? 
Not in the go to jail scope of thing or nothing consciously or deliberately.

 14. What would you wish for right now? 
A big chocolate soda with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream ;
  • Take one Tall glass
  • 1/.4 cup whole milk
  • 3 T chocolate syrup (U Bet is my favorite)
  • stir well
  • Add ice cold soda water almost to top of glass
  • Drop in 2 scoops Vanilla ice cream
  • Top with whipped cream

 15. What shoes do you wear the most of?


  1. Great answer for the question about collections!!

  2. I hope you're voting in the Congressional elections as well!
    The chocolate soda sounds so good!

  3. Yikes on #5, smiling. I simply don't know what to say about that one. I think we were watching Mark Levin last night and he said something about burning the whole system down (or something like that)--to which I totally agree, burn it all down and start over. I am so sick of this 2-party system. Someone at work made a statement to me "Oh, you're a Republican?" Umm...no, I am a registered Constitutionist (stupid spell check). Their reply was one of ignorance. Sadly, folks do not have open brains/minds. sigh...anyways---wishing you a beautiful Sunday my friend.

  4. That ice cream soda looks yummy right now as the humidity and heat climb again.

  5. I protest the answer to #2 as totally incorrect ! You are really good at design ( ask someone who asked for your advice on furniture placement each time she moved !!!) .
    Your paintings are so lovely - each far more than color and shape , as they evoke a very real mood . You are a terrific cook . You are kind and genuinely concerned for people . You are very intelligent and are always thirsty for knowledge . You are a wise and loyal friend . You , my dear friend , are far more than the sum of your parts , hated only by those who are narcissists , and therefore hate themselves and everyone else...not your problem !


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