z Cottage by the Sea : Summer.. sunday stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Summer.. sunday stealing

Sunday Stealing is from The League of Extraordinary PenPals and has a summer theme. Thanks to Bev Sykes for Sunday Stealing

 1. What are your plans for August
To continue having my yard cleaned up... I am looking into having my house soft washed, shutters replaced, front door painted. 
2. Your mid year resolutions or goals
Working on my home is a goal. Working on myself is always a goal.
3. Are you good at taking care of plants
Yes, I think I am okay.  My plants survive well anyway and usually take over the place.
4. What makes you feel nourished
 learning, food and family.
5. Which animals do you see most in your area
Deer, foxes, ground hogs, beavers, otters, bob cats, sharks, whales, dolphins and other fish.
6. Books on your summer reading list
 I am spending more time watching than reading.  I have a bunch of non fiction to go through.
7. Projects you want to tackle this summer
Yard, house inside and outside. Kitchen needs new floor as this one is dangerous with broken tiles which are a tripping hazard for me. My sink is rusted through in places.
8. Do you have weddings, graduations, summer celebrations
Everyone I knew born in summer has passed on and have no more birthdays.. there are no other celebrations in summer.  No weddings, no graduations.
9. Which summer snacks are you excited to enjoy again
Iced tea is a favorite though now that I know that tea bags are very bad because of the plastics in the coverings which end up in your arteries.   I will be switching to loose tea.  I am looking forward to pizza at the baseball games and hot dogs at the rodeo and a some lovely picnic foods.
10. How much time do you like to take for vacations
I have no money for vacations.  Happily though, I live in an entire county that is a vacation destination for millions in the summer.   I am in walking distance of the water too.

11. Where are your favorite picnic locations
too blunt
The beach by my house and the creek by my house,

12. Something that would be out of character for you
Not expressing my opinion. But I am trying to keep it down to a dull roar as I seem to bother people. I think I have too blunt a way.

13. Which summer movies are you excited to see
14. Your favorite free / cost effective ways to have fun
going to the bay or the creek.
15. Who do you trust most to house & pet sit
 My kids and my friend.
The Beach

The Creek sun & shade


  1. Umm...NOT on #12 ("keeping to a dull roar? As you bother people". Is that what you said?) You never bother me; I love our conversations.

  2. Is the movie you referenced Twisters? If so, it seemed to review reasonably well. I have not seen it yet.
    This is a year where expressing my opinion may happen WAY too often!

  3. We have tea here in the UK of course, but we never drink ice tea. I tried it once when I was over in the US and I didn't really like it, I have to say. As a traditional Brit, I like my tea hot and strong. Do you mean Twisters, the movie? I saw it last week - it's very good. Glad we don't get them in the UK.




  4. I gotta clean my porch and yard up myself. I was in the hospital for a week in June (2nd heart attack) and it all got away from me. Yard looks like a jungle since I took a month to recover. Anyway, hope you have a great week ahead!

  5. I have never seen an otter where I live, although I know they're around here. But I am far from the river and/or a creek.

  6. I enjoyed your answers so much. I don't usually do this meme, and often don't have time on the weekend to read others posts, but I'm glad I stopped in for this. I never heard of tea bags being bad for us. However, that probably won't stop me from drinking it or making iced tea every day. LOL. I do drink some loose teas, but my everyday tea is Lipton and I probably won't change that. I love that you live in such a lovely vacation land, and also that you can see so many wonderful animals from God's Wild Kingdom there. You are truly blessed to be right where you are. I hope you have a lovely rest of your weekend. I guess Tuesday is coming up soon.

  7. Love this header !
    I'm working (still !) on reorganizing my house . It's coming along slower than intended , but , as the "buck stops here " , that pointy finger lands inward ...lol...
    Have a terrific day , my friend , and keep those opinions coming !


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