z Cottage by the Sea : Painting with Tom Sawyer.. Tues.4

Monday, July 29, 2024

Painting with Tom Sawyer.. Tues.4

owdy Partners... 
I have always wanted to visit Missouri.  I know it's a beautiful state and while I have driven across it on the way west, I've never visited.   Photos show how lovely it is and stories of history and novels speak of how unique it is and how unique the people are.
I came across a series of paintings by Norman Rockwell of scenes from The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and this photo gave me the idea for the post.

Norman Rockwell's Whitewashing the Fence
Well, we are on the doorstep of August. How do you like  that?   A lot of Tom Sawyers adventures take place in the summer like whitewashing Aunt Polly's fence.

Hannibal, Missouri has fence painting contests in July and and July 4th is National Tom Sawyer day there.  They have a parade, carnival,  fireworks, and a general good time is had by all it seems.

So here is another set of questions for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.        I hope you enjoy them.

1. What special things happen around you in summer? If nothing, have you ever considered organizing something?     I live in a place where people have vacation homes and where snowbirds come to roost for summer as it is more tolerable than Florida.    Our town and many others around us have fireworks once a week...some on the bay, some in the park and on the beach.  There are concerts in the park, plays,  sailing regattas, fairs etc. all summer long.   Throughout the state there are special things at wineries, breweries , horse farms, great estates etc.   No need to be bored or inactive here.   If you are vacationing New York City, Philadelphia and even Washington D.C are a short ride. 

House colors

2. Tom hated painting. But on the subject of painting, what color is your house? Your living room? Your bedroom?  Thinking of  changing anything?  My house was painted years ago in a trio of colors by Sherwin Williams.. a golden beige and a deep forest green that has a gel-like look to it. There were some hints of white with it.  It needs repainting

My living room and most of the rooms are in Behrs Plantation Tan.  My kitchen is the palest of lemon yellows.  My bathroom is white painted pine planking.

3. Were your childhood summers carefree and did you have any adventures or chores like Tom did?            They were spent outside all summer long biking, hiking, swimming and playing baseball with friends.  My great adventures were spent in the ocean.   As for chores, it was my job to paint the back porch every summer from the time I was 10 years old.   I painted my bedroom several times in my teens.    I was also in charge of cutting the front hedges because I loved doing it so much and weed whacking all around.      

4. Did you ever help paint a house or a fence or anything at all?  How did that go?

 Along with painting at my  room and the back porch in my parents house, I painted this house with my late husband (he passed 3 years ago).  I painted the inside of the house in every apartment and house I lived in. I also removed a bedroom wall to turn the 3rd bedroom into an office connected to the living room.  It is separated by a great big Ikea Kallax book shelf that forms a double sided library. Since the shelves are very deep there are books on both sides.  I still have to put portrait lights over top .  I am also going to buy more of the Kallax for the side walls and make it more of a library.      I also dug out a driveway, leveled it and etc along with a long sidewalk. I think I did a very good job.    


  1. I wish I could channel some of that love for painting I had when I was young.
    Your house sounds lovely. Loved your answers! Have a nice day! ♥


  2. Painting has never had any allure for me. I so admire how much you have done to and around your house. Beautiful colors!
    Blessings, Annie!

  3. I love the sounds of your sweet house. It sounds very cottagey and lovely. I am sorry I didn't get this weeks questions done. We had to go away today for a Dr. appt., and yesterday was busy too. But anyway, I'm not much of a painter. Too hard on my arms/back, but I do like to dream about things I'd change if I could or if I could talk someone else into doing it. LOL. Hope you have a lovely rest of your week.

  4. Amazing the things we accomplished when we were young ! I was the painter for all the rooms , over the years . The latest was changing one room from the previous owner's gray to a lovely pale Baby Blue . The outside of my little home is pale yellow , with black shutters and white trim . Best wishes to all , for good health , safety and much happiness !

  5. Your town sounds like a nice place, though I'm sure as locals you enjoy quiet times too with less tourists, etc. Your house colors sound nice. I enjoyed your answers.


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