Monday, July 15, 2024

Trouble in River City... Tuesday 4

Hello and welcome to another Tuesday 4 first brought to us by our dear friend Toni Taddeo.
It is my hope that she would be pleased to see it continue. She tried so many ways to get people blogging, this was only one of the many ideas she had.

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we strive to interest you with 4 questions each week.

"ya got trouble my friend, right here I say trouble right here in River City..." the music man

Problems come to us all and you don't even need to live in River City!

Some you can solve, some you can't. Some scare you.    For instance, on Facebook I lost a lot of people from my friends list and I have no idea why. It was enough people to make me think it was a glitch but then I was too shy to ask people if they had gotten rid of me because they just don't like I did nothing.    What about your problems?

1. Do you think that you handle problems well over all?

 Oh I wish I did, truly I do but alas I am very average at it.  I do keep trying though.

2. What kinds of problems send you into a tizzy or downright scare you? Maybe some just exasperate you?

I get upset at house troubles. Like when my roof was destroyed or the above Facebook problem which worried me that it might have offended people.     I had a similar Twitter fiasco when the Little was small and played on the computer. I had left Twitter open and she did something to delete most of my friends.  When I discovered it a long time later I  found out some of them had blocked me!   I was too embarrassed to do anything about it which was a mistake and a half.

The slowness of the internet sometimes exasperates me since we pay for the service.    Pot holes fixed poorly are another exasperation, don't you think so?

3. We always have God in our corner but besides him do you have a reliable back up system to go to for help with car trouble, home repairs and maintenance, or any troubles that may arise for you?

Yes, my family and friends are often a great help with encouragement for me and this includes online friends as well.

4 I love the idea that a lovely cupcake can fix anything at all.  "Oh, you are sick? Just eat a dozen of these delicious cupcakes and you will be right as rain!"      What foods, places, music or whatever can make a problem  seem easier to handle?    I guess we are talking about what brings you comfort in the way of material things.

I like the idea of beautiful pink cupcakes too! Food can be comforting and I find the homestyle foods to be the most comforting.  Foods like stuffed cabbage, spaghetti, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade bread are very good to lift you a bit as well as to increase your chub a bit too!   Music can life the spirit also. 


  1. Yes, household problems and/or car issues, etc. can be very exasperating and expensive. Appliances breaking down, AC, things like that. Major expenses to repair/replace...those are big issues, but still health issues are the biggest ones for me at this stage in life. We are very thankful to God for His watchcare over us in all of the above, and His provision when we need it most. That faith and hope is what keeps me going. I enjoyed your answers and the questions today. Thank you again.

  2. It would take me a long time to notice that someone had unfriended me. I usually notice when I look at a "memories" post and look to see what people had commented and I see "add friend" by their name...LOL!! It doesn't usually bother me though.
    You are problems are stressful. When I have car issues, that stresses me out a lot. Loved your answers! Have a nice week. ♥

  3. When the internet goes down for seemingly no reason, I do get frustrated, especially if I'm in the middle of checking mail or watching a show. Danny addresses any repairs, etc., on the home front, and I'm so grateful for that!
    Blessings, Annie!

  4. You know, I'm just a random person on the internet who just discovered this blog by chance-- but I think it's sooo nice that folks are still blogging just like the old days. Twitter and Instagram are fine, but it's nice to see people who still have their own cozy lil spaces on the Net. God be with you!

  5. Household problems can get to me also. It can be overwhelming. I try to do better too but usually fail. That's our flesh. It's always going to fail us.
    I've lost some on FaceBook too. Who knows why but I'm not concerned. We still smile and say Howdy to each other when we meet since 90% of my friends are local. It could be a mistake or whatever and even if not, it's OK. Sometimes all these posts are a bit much. I get that. 💙

  6. I understand what you meant about FB. Facebook is a place to share with others. I mostly post about my family for my family and church friends. I try to post encouraging things. I don't post political. If someone post lots of political things, I pause them until the political season is over. When I post on Blogger, and visit others, I feel sad that they don't return the visit. Then I have to remember that I post for me and I don't know what others are going through. If it causes me any stress, then it is time to let go. I still miss the old blogging day. It was so much more personal and caring.

  7. I had spaghetti for lunch today, it was soooo good. Now I'm hungry for mashed potatoes and gravy . . . carbs, carbs, carbs. I was on a low carb diet earlier in the year and lost a few pounds, not I'm slipping back into my old habits. {{sigh}} Slow internet is challenging, for sure. Like you, we pay for a service they need to keep it up and running. Thankfully we haven't had any problems for a long time.

  8. So nice to drop in here !
    Such a pretty fireflies ! The pink cupcake looks delicious , but may I have a chocolate cupcake , instead ? It's too hot to bake , so scratch chocolate pudding was made instead...yum... Have a cool , lovely evening !

  9. I totally share your thoughts to question #2. Have an awesome rest of your week.xx

  10. I enjoyed your answers....Yes internet stuff can be frustrating too and I agree, sometimes my online friends are a great help. I love stuffed cabbage.


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