z Cottage by the Sea : End of August Hodgepodge
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, August 25, 2024

End of August Hodgepodge

August is in her last days and the first of the "Ber" months is approaching. Ber months are SeptemBER, OcteBER, NovemBER and DecemBER... better known as Autumn and Fall. I know many who have suffered in the high heat and humidity are eager to see it come, especially those in the south and some part of the west where things can really get brutal.   I will be putting up headers made for the autumn months too. I really enjoy changing up the headers and painting them too.
I am joining in for Wednesday Hodgepodge here.  I found the questions for Sunday Stealing too personal and hard to answer this week and besides, I don't do the Hodgepodge often enough and they really are a lot of fun.

1. What's the last thing you completely overreacted to?  
Link up Here
 I don't really over react.  Others might think so but I believe they do not react enough to important situations/questions etc.  Important things require important reaction.

2. Your top five snacks?   Popcorn, no salt Potato chips, buttered toast, cheese.

3. What smell always brings back some type of memory? Elaborate.

 The scent of Cedar trees and Balsam and salt always bring back memories of all kinds.   I've spent such a large part of my life around those scents and the memories are too many to list but they are all very good memories of happy times and things.

4. What's something you learned from the last book you read?   That Wales is not a principality but a kingdom and the Welsh are the real Brits.  That King Arthur and Prince Madoc came to America with 70,000 Welshmen.  King Arthur was killed by the falls of the Ohio and his body was returned to Wales.

5. What's the next thing on your to-buy list?     Will you make that purchase before the end of the year?  I need a new stove.  I need a sofa.  I need a new bathroom and kitchen window.  I need new floors in the kitchen. I need a new sink and whole countertop in the kitchen.  I could use a ramp so I could get out of the house safely. 

These are not upgrades but actual necessities.  

6. Insert  your own random thought here:   Autumn is on the way.  It is chilly(in the 50's)at night now and some days don't go above 70°F .  Humidity is very low and days are just gorgeous.   Time for Mr. Pumpkin to make his appearance on the table.


  1. I find myself with the same thoughts as #1. As time goes on I hope you will be able to have all the necessities on your list, that would be so wonderful♥ Loved your random thought, would love to have the same weather here. Even though the ber months are close it will be a little while longer before we have cool weather. {{sigh}} Beautiful pumpkin♥

  2. I do love the scent of spruce and pine, too. Brings back sweet memories of Christmas as a child when we always had a fresh tree. Blessings, Annie!

  3. Do you make your own potato chips? I have never seen "no salt" potato chips. We have "lightly salted" chips that we buy, but I've never seen any with no salt.

    1. Hi ! You might try "google-ing No Salt Potato chips and finding out if your grocer stocks ( or can order them for you) . Herr's is one brand here (NJ) and also
      Garden of Eatin' is a brand that makes No Salt Added Blue Corn Tortilla Chips !
      Happy hunting !

    2. Kettle brand makes no salt Kettle Chips and Wise potato chips also come in no salt. They are pretty good I think.

  4. I've never seen no-salt potato chips, although I have seen lower salt varieties. We had a lovely week last week, but are back up in the 90's for a while longer. I think I'm ready for fall, but it's too hot to think about adding pumpkins to my decor just yet. Glad you jumped into the Hodgepodge this week!


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