z Cottage by the Sea : Hello Monday...
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 19, 2024

Hello Monday...

Hello friends... A slight delay in Tuesday 4 because of computer down time. I suspect it was something to do with the storm off the coast, but it is up now.           You will find it HERE.
Another week has begun, the world is in a mess and I wish we could go back in time.  I doubt we would do much differently but then you never know.

I enjoy old time music from many eras.   
 I was listening to a YouTube channel called Nemo's Dreamscapes where they play all old tunes and I found one about sitting on the porch Autumn of 1949 and  hearing music on the radio.  How peaceful and lovely the music is.  No iffy or strange lyrics, no discordant sounds, no screeching voices, just sweet, pleasant music and what  relief that can be to the soul. 
I think the whole world could use some relaxation and relief from constant stress and bad news. It is really just overload at this point.
Imagine 1949.. no computers, no cell phone constantly putting you at it's disposal.  School was readin', writin' and 'rithmetic.    Your job was a job and your money went far.     Life was not without it's problems and stresses but, it was far better than now.  
If you could go back in time have you ever thought about when it would be or where even?

Do you ever use some older recipes  like these from the 1940's?

Wherever your imagination takes you, have a lovely, relaxing day.  We all need it.


  1. Oh, I love that picture on the porch. That looks divine to me. Yes, times were simpler then, at least we think they were. I know they didn't have all the modern conveniences we have today, but still life seemed more relaxed and enjoyable and purposeful. People didn't waste so much time on things like TV and internet. Kids played outside in the yard and interacted with the neighborhood kids. People greeted people from their front porches. Yes, I would love to go back to that again. Recipes: today I am making my Grandmother's recipe for Hamloaf. I may have to write about it in a post later, so I will save that for now. Have a lovely rest of your day.

  2. I enjoyed your post. I don’t think I would want to go back in time. I think there were good things back then, but I also feel there are good things now. Same with the bad side.

  3. The porch picture is wonderful...wistful for that , but grateful for what He gives me...so much to be grateful for !

  4. No going back in time for me, Annie. I believe very strongly that we are born into the age and time that God intends. Do I enjoy old songs, recipes and historic places? Sure!

  5. P.S. This would make a good Tuesday 4 questionnaire...just saying...


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