z Cottage by the Sea : How's Life...Tues. 4
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 5, 2024

How's Life...Tues. 4

My thoughts and prayers are with Floridians who suffered damage and loss from hurricane Debby. You are in prayers for safety and a quick end to this slow moving monster!     

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. With just four questions each week we hope to change the world!  

"So Dora.. how's life lately?"
Well, okay, we can't change the world but we do hope to help you have something to blog about, think about and talk about.        I hope everyone in Florida is okay  with the storm Debby! Be safe friends.

So, let's take our tea or coffee and sit down together and  have a friendly chat about life........

 1.  If you were or are married, did or do you enjoy being married?  If you are not married are you content and happy in that life?  
No, it was hard but I stuck with it until he passed on 3 years ago.  It was a big challenge.  I am glad he is at rest in mind and body.

2. What are the best parts of your life today?  What were the best things about your life in the past?

Not having to answer to someone on a daily basis and having peace and stability.  In the past the best part was always being by the sea or being outdoors in general and of course my friends who were always wonderful.

3.  What more could you add to your life to make it better, or conversely, what could you remove to make it better for you?     

I would be much happier is I did not have pain all the time.   Right now, believe it or not, I can feel 'Debby' . Low barometric pressure  brings on much pain for me.  I've talk to others and its the same for them. Add to this the CME's which are huge lately and weather modification which goes on and its a deadly cocktail for anyone.   Here's to good health my  friends..

4. If you work... are you really pleased in your job or would you like something better?  If you are retired is it all you hoped it would be and how could it be better for you?       I am not working since I am disabled and it would not work out well.    I was  a medical technologist and that was cool and I ran a lab for a while.  But my favorite job was working in a  5&10¢ store. I really enjoyed that.

 August Happiness Challenge 

August is post something that makes you happy each day of the month challenge.
Doing Tuesday 4 in Toni's memory makes me more happy than I really can say.  


  1. I like the verse you shared. I have that graphic too. My favorite job was working in a toy store when I was 14. I also worked at a family owned pharmacy gift store. I liked that job too.

  2. Hi, Toni. I thought I'd get back in the game and posted today. Do we have a link up anywhere? I sure miss those days with Toni! Have a blessed day. I hope Debby doesn't affect you too much.

  3. I'm so sorry to learn that you are fighting pain on a consistent basis, Annie. I have a friend who is deeply affected by barometric pressure changes, too. It is miserable! Hang in there and God bless!

  4. Favorite job ? During the 70s , I worked in a resort town for a wonderful boss , who had a shop that sold cooking equipment and beautiful things from around the world...miss that boss and that shop !
    You , my friend, are in daily prayers for comfort and healing...

  5. I am married. We are good friends & partners. It isn't always clear sailing but he is a good man. If I could I would remove all the hatred. Scary times we are living in. I think I would be happier if it didn't exist. I have quite a bit of pain now that I am older so to be pain free would be a blessing too. Still working. Work is work. Looking forward to retirement.

  6. Thanks for joining in the August Happiness Challenge. I have been feeling Debby for a couple of days now, so I sure believe you!

  7. I've got you in my thoughts and prayers with Debby coming your way. What's the prediction on your end? She skirted far east of TN so we haven't even gotten any rain. Generally Florida storms make their way to us. Take care and stay safe.


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