z Cottage by the Sea : Summer.....Sunday Stealing
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Summer.....Sunday Stealing

Storms were promised for Saturday night but while there was a bit of noise, it was a bunch of nothing.  If you threaten to storm.. then do it! Otherwise just shut up.

Here is this week's Sunday Stealing.
 1. How would your pet describe you
  I only have fish now.  My dog and cats have all passed on. I hope they liked me but I don't know how they would describe me.

2.. Tell us a story...  Here is a favorite of mine:

3.. What do you pack in your beach / hiking bag
Beach bag: towel, baby powder ( to remove sand from feet), tissues, sunglasses, hat,   

4.. How do you like to spend great weather weekends
Doing things I enjoy... painting, watching movies, sitting on the beach, etc.

5.. Describe a time when the circumstances fell in your favor. 
In the end I feel circumstances always run in my favor whatever the outcome.   

6.. Which summer sounds do you enjoy
The rustling of dense leaves in a hot breeze,  Frogs croaking at nigh, crickets. Summer oldies by the Beach Boys
 Seals and Crofts... that kind of thing.
7.. It’s not really summer until ...
Lifeguards are back on the beach and temperatures climb into the 80's and 99's.

8.  What music are you playing these days?   Burt Bacharach... here done by Herb Alpert.  I am being very nostalgic.

9.. How much has changed since last summer.....
     I am thinner.

10. What are your favorite things to wear in summer
Light  weight cotton clothing.

11. What do you miss about winter
    Always the holidays of winter.

12. How would you spend summer vacation as an adult
  Being in Tahiti ,, Bora Bora.

13. Describe your ideal get together/party
Food, family, friends, fun.

14. What makes you feel like part of your community
Enjoying community times: fireworks, concerts, get togethers.

15. How was your July 2024?
It was just fine though I missed the fireworks which made me mad.  
The weather was lovely , hot but breezy and cooler at night, the sun was pretty, they sky was blue and as long as I didn't listen to the news, things were fine and dandy.


  1. On Long Island, NY, I stayed on a hotel once own by Burt. It had lots of photos on the wall, including some of Angie Dickinson, his then-wife.

  2. Always making me smile, thanks. Have a beautiful day friend.

  3. Lovely summer thoughts. I think you enjoy the true meaning of summer much more than I do. It's just too hot here in Florida to enjoy it much. If we could afford to go places and see things and do things it might be different, but we mostly just stay at home indoors and keep cool and thank God for our air conditioner! We don't come out of summer hibernation until about mid September! LOL. Lovely post as always.

  4. I enjoyed your answers, Annie. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

  5. Good Morning ! Hope all is well with all of you !
    Interesting questions and answers...Tahiti and Bora Bora sound lovely !

  6. Congrats on the weight loss. Curious about the baby powder to remove sand as I've never heard of that. Sounds like a secret that those who live on the beach would know while us visitors are clueless!

    1. haha, the baby powder trick is for those of us natives. Beach sand is notoriously sticky after it dries on your feet and you can spend an eternity trying to wipe it off. A little baby powder sprinkled on the feet and you can wipe it off very easily!

  7. Ah yes - Harry Enfield. He did a few of those "old-fashioned" information films.

    They are funny.




    1. He is very funny and his Cholmondoley-Warner skits are hysterical.


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