z Cottage by the Sea : Dream, Dream, Dream
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Dream, Dream, Dream

Weather has been on everyone's mind lately as it has been manipulated in all kinds of ways. Today, Monday as I write this it is super sunny outside with temperatures in the low 40°s./

Welcome to Toni's Tuesday 4 friends!  
It's up early due to a busy weekend.
Dream, when you're feeling blue
Dream, that's the thing to do
Just watch the smoke rings rise in the air
You'll find your share of memories there

So dream, when the day is through
Dream, and they might come true
Things never are as bad as they seem
So dream, dream, dream
                           ........by Johnny Mercer

1. As evenings are long, temperatures drop and we have more time to dream and ponder, are you pondering or dreaming of anything right now?    

  Yes,  I am pondering the repairs I need to do vs the money I have.   I am dreaming of the garden work I hope to have done early this year but I do that every year and nothing gets done.

2.  Day dreaming , singing, humming even, can lift your mood and change the entire state of your health.   Do you daydream or sing during the day ? Now that you know it can improve health will you try it?

I sing and daydream all the time but I daydream about real things, not wishes.

3. Fess  up friends!   When you window gaze is it because you are nosy or because it's just so lovely outside?  We will still love you no matter what the answer.

Nope, not nosy at all.  I don't care what others are doing.  I like to look at nature outside and that's about it.   You know how people will say to you "look at those people over there"? Well I resent that and won't do it.  I mean to me that takes chutzpah (real nerve).

4.Daydreams can become reality if they stir us to action.    Were there any times in your life when dreams came true?

Yes, many, many times.  I tend to daydream about real life scenarios and possibilities and not outlandish things that are improbable.


  1. "So dream, when the day is through
    Dream, and they might come true
    Things never are as bad as they seem
    So dream, dream, dream"
    I love those words♥♥♥

  2. OH, I love your new header! That is so beautiful! I wouldn't mind living on that lake or pond! Yes, regarding dreaming about things that need to be done...I do that, but like you, the money is always the issue. I hope you are getting your kitchen done soon...wasn't that something you were working on? And yes, I dream about practical things mostly, but I do like to think about that getaway cabin in the mountains or on a lake that I've always wanted to have for a family gathering place. If I had the money, that would be something I would try to do! I enjoyed your post. Thank you for coming up with these ideas.

  3. I do love where we live so much because of all the natural scenery we can see from all our windows. So soothing! Blessings, Annie!

  4. Thanks for this weeks questions and I enjoyed your answers. Hope you are having a good day.

  5. Lovely header ! Each of your paintings do evoke a mood...such a talent !

  6. Enjoyed your answers. Garden work is worth dreaming about


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