z Cottage by the Sea : Hodgepodge
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, January 29, 2025


ednesday by the sea:           Yesterday was very windy.    I am a great fan of windy, blustery days in autumn and winter but not so much in spring and summer the reason being I can wear a hat, scarf and a coat to hold myself  together in the colder months but in summer everything flies off and gets discombobulated and I just don't care much for that.  But in Autumn and Winter I love the sound of wind barging it's way through the woods behind me.  I like when the bay is whipped up into a frenzy by the wind.     
Blogger tip:  If your background repeats over and over and you'd like it to fill the page, hit the scroll or don't scroll to make it fit your page properly.  Its in the same area that uploads your background.  If you have color beside your header that you don't want, it is possible to also change the background color.
I am joining in with Wednesday Hodgepodge....

1. What was your after school routine like when you were a kid? 
After school in Kindergarten when I was doing afternoon session, I went home to my grandmother who had  tea ready.  We would sit at the kitchen table and eat our meal together.  It was so special to me.
After she passed, my other grandmother came to care for me. Then I would come home and have tea with her, then watch some cartoons or go outside and play with friends until time for supper. I always had my dance classes and Brownies or Girl Scouts  from Brownie to curved bar.
As a teen I had so many after school projects, sports and newspaper, radio station, singing lessons one day and 2 days of dance class.   I was busy, busy and I loved it.    Those were the best days of my life.

2. January 26 is National Green Juice Day ( I guess it's true everything really does have it's day). Do you juice, as in make your own in an attempt to get healthy? Do you do the green juices? What's your favorite kind of juice (home blended or store bought, either one)? 

I made juices but realized quickly it was a waste of food.       I used to love grape juice but I can't  have grapes anymore.

3. What's something trivial about which you have a strong opinion?   Well, if I have a strong opinion then it's not trivial.   At least not to me i t isn't.

4. What do you need more of in your life? Less of?    I need more food in my life.  I feel my menu has gotten too small and I want to enlarge it.     As far as less, I guess that would be requirements.  I don't want to be required to do anything at all.  Nothing, zilch.  Of course that is silly but, you did ask me and it's an honest answer.

5. Give us three adjectives to describe your January.  The adjectives to describe my January would be  icy, silvery, snowy, frozen, beautiful, nature filled, enjoyable, but pain filled as well.


6. Insert your own random thought here.  


  1. How lovely that you got to spend that time with your grandmothers and all of the after school activities sound like fun.

  2. Tea with a grandmother sounds like a lovely childhood memory. I am with you on the juicing. It's a lot of fuss for a glass of juice. Have a nice day!

  3. I agree with you on #3, if I feel strongly about something I don't consider it trivial. I enjoyed your precious memories with your grandmothers. Very nice indeed.

  4. I enjoyed your answers. I'm always looking for new recipes too.

  5. Your childhood after school memories made me smile. It sounds like you had lovely grandmothers.

  6. I would have given anything when I was a child to have had my grandparents nearby, Annie. What special memories for you! Blessings!

  7. Lovely header and interesting topic .
    Tea with my grandmother was a joy , when my grandparents moved close to us , after retirement . She was a bicycle ride away and tea was served in delicate cups with a tiny ivy design . She was a wise and wonderful woman...sorely missed !

  8. Oh, Annie, I just saw your comment to me about your header and that you've added the little cabin in the woods beside the Church in the Wildwood just for me! And that you named the lake "Lake Pamela"!!!! I am SO very honored and pleased and humbled! It is beautiful! Of course, we would live beside the church because my hubby would've been the Pastor! So beautiful. I've saved the picture to my photos so I could enlarge it and see it even better! What a thrill and joy. Thank you for making my day. Just got home from taking hubby for his cataract surgery, which went fine, but anyway, this made my day! Thank you so much. Now, as for this post, I love that you had tea the afternoons with your grandmother(s). What a wonderful treat and pleasant memory for you! I never got to spend that much time with my grandmothers, but the one who lived nearest us (my paternal grandmother) did love to drink tea and I believe I "inherited" my love of tea and tea cups and tea pots from her. I actually did receive a couple of her tea pots from her estate and she gave me a couple of tea cups and saucers as gifts. But it is sad to me that we never actually had a tea party together. You were blessed to have your grandmothers near and to have them so involved in your life! Thank you again for your blessing to me today. I am very very pleased.

  9. Your after school memories sounds absolutely wonderful, I spent the weekends with my gradparents and they are the best memories of my life.
    It would be wonderful if nobody required anything of us but alas we are mums and there's always someone wanting something but we wouldn't have it any other way would we.


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