z Cottage by the Sea : January 2025
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, January 6, 2025

January 2025

Hello from snow covered New Jersey where it's very cold out way down in the 20"s°F.
For those of you needing an excuse to keep your tree up.. tomorrow is the start of the eastern orthodox Christmas so that should help!  It is also the Little's birthday.   

Welcome to the New Year friends and to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.
Toni liked to talk about each new month and it's meanings. 
January was named for Janus the two faced god who looked behind and ahead.  Its the warmest month in the southern hemisphere and the coldest in the north.
Garnet is it's gem stone.  Garnets come in all colors but the rarest is the Tzavorite.   
January 7 is Eastern Orthodox Christmas because some eastern churches use the original Julian calendar which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar.   
January become the first month of the year in 450BC for the Roman world .
Let's talk about two faced January.

1. Looking back, what do you hope continues or does not change in your life?
Carnations & Snow Drops

 2. What good came to you from the previous year?  
Love of family and friends.
3.  Are there things you hope to accomplish in the new year?
Get the kitchen in livable condition. 
4.  January's flowers are the carnation and the snow drop. Do you sometimes buy flowers for your home? What kinds of flowers to you like best?   Carnations are lovely.. like in the picture.  I also like white orchids, star gazer lilies, roses, black eyed Susans and sunflowers. Oh heck, I like them all! Love my lilacs and Wisteria, water lilies, lily of the valley, forget-me-nots... all of them.

If you've not joined in as a prayer warrior for indigenous women please read the opening of the post before this and get busy!   Join the sisterhood and pray for women worldwide.  


  1. Love....we all need more of it. Happy New Year Annie!

  2. Hope you're able to get that kitchen done!!! Happy Birthday to The Little♥ An artic blast is headed for Texas, I don't think it'll come this far south. But, we are getting some much colder mornings and days. Stay Warm.

  3. I love daffodils and daisies, Annie. Yes, I'm praying for these women and all who are trafficked and abused. Have a blessed day!

  4. Hi Annie: Thanks for these questions and I enjoyed reading your answers. I hope you have a great day!

  5. What a lovely post !
    May each of you be safe , well and warm !!!


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