z Cottage by the Sea : Lovely Hodgepodge
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Lovely Hodgepodge

Last n ight we had about 6 inches of snow or so.  Very heavy snow and very pretty.  Today the skies are silvery and beautiful , wind is quiet and life is good.    We are due for rain tomorrow and as I stick my nose out the backdoor I can see the snow is going to melt a bit.  
There was no meatloaf last night because I forgot to take out the ground meat.  So I made a big omelet for dinner.

Let's try some Wednesday Hodgepodge... because it's Wednesday after all.

1. Did you watch the Super Bowl? Did your team win?  
Yes, I did watch the Super Bowl and  the Eagles won.  I live close to Philadelphia so the Eagles would be the team I support.  FLY EAGLES FLY!
What's your favorite game day snack for  whatever sport is happening?  Blue tortilla chips and salsa mixed with cheeses and sour cream as a warm dip.
2. What's your 'superpower
My memory maybe? Someone else needs to answer that for me really.

3. Will you do anything special on Valentine's Day?   No, nothing special.
If so do share. Any thoughts on/about this particular holiday?   It is a memorial day for a real man named St. Valentine.
Share a favorite verse or quote relating to love.  My own quote is that love is a verb.  It is something you do, not just something you feel.

None of the men in my life, including my late husband did anything for any holiday let alone Valentine's Day.       My father, on the other hand.. brought home big heart shaped fancy boxes of candy

for me, my mother, my grandmothers and gave us gifts.  He was a very romantic gentlemen.  
He passed away on February 3rd in 1985  .  I wrote the story of the Valentine boxes called  Love in a Candy Box.     It's short so perhaps you might like to read it.

4. Are you a fan of the rom-com genre?     I am a fan of the Hallmark romance movies, yes.
 If so what's one of your favorites?   Not Hallmnark.. but,  While you Were Sleeping, You've Got Mail.
If you're not a movie go-er then what about a book you love that features a great love story?  Perhaps one of Jane Austen's books.
How about a favorite love song? 
   And here is a favorite love song about the man I've never met.  He is perfect beause I've created him.

5. Let's get creative...write an acrostic using the word L-O-V-E. 
  I don't want to.  The word speaks for itself anyway.    😜

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
This is Julius Caesar  (we now know the correct pronunciation is Kaiser not sea-zer)  The 'C' sound in Latin was a hard K sound.  His name would be said like this: Yulius Kaiser.        He looks like a typical Englishman.

Here is the first US president to be born a US Citizen.. Martin Van Buren who spoke Dutch at home since his parents came from the Netherlands to help build a nation.  He was born in Kinderhook, New York.
 President from 1837-1841 he was an enemy of slavery and fought hard to end it. Born in 1782, he was unpopular with his own policial party, the Democrats, because of his opposition to slavery. The Democrat party was so angry at his hatred of slavey they refused to renominate him for a second term.
In those days you had the Whig Party and the Democrat Party.    I would have opted for the Birthday Party myself.

 Now go behave yourself today....


  1. Caesar looks like a young Vladimir Putin in that photo, don't you think?

  2. I'm from that same part of the country so was really happy with the Superbowl win too. I'm currently re-reading Wuthering Heights which I haven't read in decades. It makes a lot of lists of great love stories, but not sure I agree. It's dark! Hope you have a nice week!

  3. Greetings !
    Dropping by to say hello...Hello !
    Would write more ,but the kitty in my lap refuses
    to share time with the keypad...lol...

  4. We did watch most of the Superbowl, and it was fantastic that the Eagles won. We are more college football fans and I'm a big lover of UGA. That should figure since we live in Georgia!
    Blessings, Annie!


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