z Cottage by the Sea : Welcome March
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Welcome March

A  big happy Wednesday hello to you my friends!
Here on the extreme east coast we are expecting a severe storm line that seems to be in the south and working it's way here. steady as she goes.   
From this Side of the Pond

Here is Wednesday's Hodgepodge........................

1  What do you love most about March? 

The woods in winter
I like that March is wild and windy.   Last night I could hear the wind whistling through the woods behind me.   It was just wonderful to hear.  

2. Hey! Did you know March is National Celery Month? Do you like celery? What's something you make (or like to order out) that calls for celery?  

No, I did not know it was national celery month!   I use celery in almost every meat dish I make.  I also cut up big stalks into bite size peices to eat as a snack.  Celery lowers blood pressure espcially if you also eat beets.  Celery softens the veins and arteries preventing hardening of the arteries.  It is also a natural diuretic and excellent source of fiber.

3. _______________ is the soundtrack to my life right now.  The soundtrack  of my life right now is the sound of wind, the silence of the afternoons when everyone is at work and kids are in school, the song of birds returning from the south, the sound of the Little bringing in the trash wheelie bin, my mail and her "Hi, can we watch some Teen Wolf"?

4. Share a favorite motivational quote for overcoming challenges.  "Get over yourself and move along"

5. The Hodgepodge lands on Ash Wednesday this year. Do you participate in Lent in some way? If so tell us more.    No.

6. Insert your own random thought here:

This is a photo of my daughter and her grandma taken the last time they got together in Salt Lake and after visiting the Salt Lake Temple which you can see in the background..  My daughter was born in Salt Lake City and we lived there a long time.   Grandma passed away after this wss taken and I didn't get to see her then.  

It's funny to see my daughter with short hair. She had just cut it back then but now its very long once again.     Mom was so tiny.    My daughter is only 5'1" and you can see how tiny Grandma is!   I wish I had been able to go too but it wasn't possible. My daughter got to visit her 10 aunts and uncles and her 60 cousins.   Big family my friends...    I miss Salt Lake, I miss Mom.


  1. Eek! Stay safe in the storm. I am not a fan of the blustery wind, it always makes me nervous.
    I did not know the health benefits of celery, I should eat more of it!
    What a lovely photo of your daughter and her grandma.

  2. We have really tall pines in our yard so the wind always makes me a little nervous. They can bend really low. I am going to eat more celery now. I like it, and know recently drinking celery juice is a 'trend' but I haven't gotten on board. Hope you have a nice day!

  3. I never thought about cutting up the celery in bite-size pieces, nor its health benefits. I'm not usually given to second chances, but I'm going to try this!
    Your daughter is beautiful!

  4. Howdy !
    Listening to the storm outside...blustery winds and pouring rain .
    So very thankful for shelter and grateful that needs are met !
    Take care ...


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