z Cottage by the Sea : Foot Fiasco and Desks
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Foot Fiasco and Desks

Click to enlarge
Tonight I got my foot stuck in a drawer..... here is the story.. long and boring as it is:

My desk is a former old dresser that I had for eons and millenia. Yes, that old.
It was a finish yourself type deal and my cat actually had her babies in the bottom drawer on one side. At that time it had been relegated from a bedroom to the dining room and used for table linens and etc. Since a bottom drawer was open, the cat, who wandered into the house through an open sliding glass door, had her kittens there.
Three were adopted out , and she, Vicki and two boys, Garfield and Sandy stayed on as permanent family members. Vicki went out one day and never returned home. Sandy lived to be about 15 and passed on two years ago and Garfield is still with me.

Since the dining room is completely different now, I took the dresser and removed drawers from one side and made it my computer desk. I even painted it white, but did an awful job of it.
The drawers on the right side are left in for storage. It makes a nifty desk really, but, one of the supports broke and the bottom drawer now sags. It needs repair.
Just half of this skirt
Well I am going to redo the desk, hopefully making it nicer by removing the right hand drawers and placing a gathered skirt around that part to house the tower, the speakers, boom box printer.. things that are an eye sore if not covered up.
I would repair the drawers but, I really would like to hide the tower and things. My speaker system is very large, etc.
I had another desk with skirting right around, but this time it would be half way just to replace the right side drawers and create a storage space.
But until I get myself motivated, I have been perching one foot on the lowered back part of the drawer underneath the desk. Its comfortable!.. But... tonight while leaving a comment for Darylynn, my foot slipped into the drawer and got stuck!
It wasn't stuck badly but in pulling out my foot, I lost my shoe in there and well... more pulling things apart.
I didn't get hurt at all, but it was more funny than anything else.
Never a dull moment.


  1. Hi Anne, I always enjoy the backround sound in here. I will be at the beach next weekend. I like the idea you have for your desk. Sorry you got your foot caught. Come by and visit when you can. :)

  2. Annie, lovely plans for your desk! That desk will mean so much more than any new desk or 'real desk. I'm glad that your foot wasn't hurt...you're lucky that you had your shoes on. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday! Hugs

  3. Hi Annie;

    I like your idea on the refinishing of the desk. I had to laugh when reading your foot caught in the draw story as I've done things like that myself. I always enjoy reading your entries. Have a lovely day ahead my friend. Hugs

  4. Ciao Annie,
    beautiful plans for your desk.
    Hope you are having a wonderful Thursday! :)

  5. Hi Annie,
    Great idea to change your desk and add a skirt to cover tower, printer etc. Sorry about the foot debacle. I once did a very simular thing but it was my feet then whole legs. I had a cute corner wicker desk with a wicker chair that was very old. I stepped on the chair to change the lightbulb of a hanging lamp that was above it and low and behold the chair seat gave out and I fell both feet and legs right through it then I had to roll on my side to squeeze out of it all the while LOL and the kitties were scrambling away from me I guess it scared them even more than it did me. It must of been a pretty funny site if it had been recorded like on that TV show. Hope you are having a great week. Hugs, Dru

  6. Oh my Annie! I didn't realize it had happened at the moment you were writing me a comment. I should've called 911 for you and then we'd be on Good Morning America in a human interest story about how Internet friends separated by miles come to the aid of one another. Sorry I let you down but glad you're still not stuck there waiting to be rescued! What a history your "desk" has had! Enjoy the weekend and no more drama please! (((Hugz)))


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