z Cottage by the Sea : 10/14

Friday, October 31, 2014

Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil

Jim Williams had a warm honeyed Georgia accent that was as charming as he was.
Jim Williams
A man of immense talent, he refurbished and bought and sold homes and antiques in Savannah.

Savannah, Georgia is that graceful,  elegant belle of the south where the past is always alive.
She is filled with the ghosts of her past and they are welcoming to visitors who step into the past as they enter. She is a city made for dreaming of bygone days.

Williams was also the only Georgian ever tried for the same crime four times! A travesty really.

Mercer house was never lived in by any of the Mercer family at all, including composer Johnny Mercer and today, after Mr. Williams death the glorious mansion which occupies one full block on the square in Savannah is a museum.
I suppose after the shooting death  of Danny Hansford inside the house no one offered to buy it after Jim himself passed away.

The house was built by  General Hugh Mercer, of Civil war fame, but he never got to live in the house because of circumstances of the war.
The Mercer family also included General Mercer of the Revolutionary war, General Patton of WWII and the famous song writer Johnny Mercer.

The drama of those days and the charm and quirky atmosphere are memorialized in the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt.
If you want to hear the book I recommend the vocal rendition done by actor Anthony Heald. What an excellant job he does in interpreting every line, every accent and voice.
Jim Williams passed on from walking pneumonia in 1990 having finally been acquitted of murder.
His life, however, was far more than just the book or the movie. 
Mr. Williams personally restored 50 historic homes in Georgia saving them from certain loss  something we should all appreciate.   There just is no building being done today that comes within a universe of the grace and glory of bygone days.
It is sad that a person's life can be distilled down to one part of it while the rest may pass by unknown.

I was inspired to share this with you as I am on my 'umpteenth' listening to the book on tape.
Here are some photos of Mercer House....


Mercer House seen from Monterey Square

Living room
 Be still my heart.  So beautiful.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Along Cromwell Road, Kensington
and a book recommendation

This photograph was taken   July 12, 1905 by Edward Linley Sambourne  (January 4 1844 –  August 3 1910) in Cromwell Rd , Kensington, London  .
Sambourne was a famous cartoonist for Punch magazine.

 She looks like a working girl going for lunch or a tea break perhaps.
 She is a pretty girl (you can enlarge the photo), serious as she peeks out from under the shade of her stylish hat.
A watch dangles from a pin on her chest. She will not be late!
Her shoes are dainty with fashionable (even today) pointed toes.
 You can just see the ponytail of her hair do behind her neck in this Edwardian era photo.
 When I see photos like this I am drawn into the story.
What she was thinking, where she was going, what is her name, her situation in life?
I look at the background and wonder what was transpiring around her.
Where did she go?  Was her life happy?
She is probably long gone as she looks to be in her late teens of twenties in this photo and since it is 1905 she would have been born in the 1880s sometime.

And just look at this young Edwardian girl walk along.  The photograph was taken on June 11, 1907 and the girl is immortalized, frozen in time and young and alive forever.

Isn't photography wonderful?   What would we do without it. So much is saved for us.  It is a window into the past, our own past as these are those who came before us.
Each photo we take is a memory and history frozen in place.

One day someone will look at our photos like this and wonder about us as well.
With blogging, however, we leave a bit of ourselves behind.

My book recommendation for this month  is "A Victorian Household: Based on the Diaries of Marion Sambourne" by Shirley Nicholson.
It is an intimate look into the life and times Sambourne's wife  born in the 1850s and passing away just before WWI in 1914.  She kept her diary faithfully for  years.
The Sambourne home was at 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington and can be visited today. (make an appointment for the tour)

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ghostly Answers

 Welcome  to Tuesday and another of Toni's memes and a new feature: dinner tonight.

#22 Ghostly Tell Tales

1.   Do you believe in ghosts, spirits, or the supernatural?
      Not ghosts,as in the spirits of dead persons.Add caption
  I  do believe there are evil entities  and I believe there are angelic  beings who are   servants of God.
"It was a dark and storm night"

2.   Ever had a supernatural experience?
    Well, spiritual ones, not sure if that qualifies as supernatural.

3.   Favorite horror film?
      I do not like that form of film.  I don't believe it is good to put such things into your mind.
       I like milder forms of films.

4.   Finish this line: Silently I walk in the moonless night _____ ?

      Silently I walk in the moonless night,
       finding my way by a candle's  light.

There is a certain feel to late October that gives rise to  feelings and thoughts that are unlike those of other seasons.
Is it the dark? Perhaps the smell of the leaves?

Maybe the sounds of crows on   dim afternoons or night time sounds as trees shake and winds moan through their branches?

It is a time of Nor'easter storms  and the great New England colors. Maple syrup and hot comforting evening meals.

Whatever it is, these autumn days and nights are invigorating and I hate for them to end.
Dinner tonight:  Turkey patty in sauce I make of ketchup,mustard and roasted peppers, Rice Pilaf and garlic green beans.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Simple Woman's Daybook  
Outside my window... The day is sunny and cool.  It is windy and refreshing out.

I am thinking...  about my spoiled, stubborn, finicky cat who is a huge problem to feed.
Thinking whether I should turn the heat up a notch in the house. I am chilly!

I am thankful... for the autumn and the fresh clean feeling of crisp air and the sight of reds, oranges and yellows in the trees.

I am wearing... pajamas still since it is very early morning.

I am creating... this post. And considering a new background for this blog, something I am not very good at doing.

I am going... to the drugstore this evening to get eye drops.

I am wondering... why our leaders are so awfully bad.

I am reading...nothing right now.

I am hoping... for a nice day all around today.

I am learning... about my life and misconceptions I had about myself.

I am pondering: if it is cool enough not to feed the fish in the ponds.

Around the house... getting things in order and rearranging (with help),planning to sell some things.

In the kitchen...  defrosted chicken thighs for supper,brewing fresh coffee.

One of my favorite things... opening windows on a lovely day to let the outside in a bit.
Buying gifts for the littles. Right now the Famous Anonymous Kid is enjoying burning a "Dauntless" candle I gave her. She loves the scent so much (in a week it was almost gone) I got her a second one.

A few plans for this week:  hoping to get to Michaels or AC Moore for some storage boxes and small grass reed baskets to store things  on my bedroom shelf.

A peek into my day:

sunset on the cove



Friday, October 24, 2014

End of the Week and a Meme

Another week has gone by and with it a Nor'easter has left the area.
It had stalled over the area and it rained for a week with little let up. Today is the first sunny day in a long time.
On the upside my ponds have a rain fueled water change, which is always nice.
 On the down side it hurts the spine a bit when the barometer goes wild and the humidity goes way up.  Chilly temps are no problem if the humidity is low.

Here is this week's meme.
I do hope you will all take part.
I find that doing some of these helps me take stock of what I do in my own life.  Sometimes we do things and don't really have a true sense of what we are doing.    Taking stock and making lists can help gain a good view of how you live your life.

How Do You Do Stuff Around the House?

1. Wash floors:  with string mop? Swiffer, Shark? Sponge mop?
I would love a shark with steam but I use a swiffer in the house though not in the kitchen as I have a stone floor and I find Swiffer leaves it slippery.  I could wait until it dries but I find I have to use the kitchen so often after washing the floor.    It never fails!!
In the kitchen I use boiling water which I throw on the floor ... about a cup of so.. then I mop up that area and move on to the next.  I think a shark would do this in an easier manner.

2. Dust:  Using a wooly duster? Feather? Rag?Any special way?

I use a wooly duster and rags to dust. Sometimes I use a dusting product like Endust.

3. Clean sink/ tub/showers:

I use Clorox Bleach spray in the kitchen every day.  I use a wire rack and rubber mat in the sink to keep things above the floor of the sink.
I clean the bathroom sink with Lysol bathroom cleaner and also in the shower,etc.
I spray the shower pan and toilet area with Lysol spray.

4.keep the House Smelling Fresh:
by keeping it clean and neat. Opening windows every few days to air things out even on the coldest of days for a little while.  
I also use Glade Plugins in my wall outlets.  Current scent is Shenandoah for fall.  You can smell them all over the house.
In my bedroom I keep a potpourri from Marilyn Miglin that is sprayed with her Pheromone Perfume.
 In the bathroom I keep the drugstore type spray colognes (Calgon or Body Fantasy) and spray the shower curtains and towels.  It does the trick and everyone loves the scents in my home. I buy them when they are on sale at CVS or Rite Aid.
I use very little so they last for a super long time.

5. Vacuuming:
     Do you use floor scented powder?  How often do you vacuum?
I don't use those powder as I feel they make a mess under the carpet. I just don't like them.
I can't vacuum or mop really so I have my kids help with that.
I have only one area carpet in the living room which gets vacuumed every few days. The whole house gets a good going over twice a week if I am lucky.  Lately, because I can't do it anymore its once a  week.
You can be zealous when it is you doing it but not so much if you ask others.

Which brings up a topic dear to my heart: getting tired of doing good for others.
We have all done that. We get weary of doing good.  It can get old in a hurry but it is something to fight against.  Our bodies get tired and worn from it.
I have had a ring side seat for needing others to help me do so many things.  Trust me, it is NOT easy to ask others for help.  You can often see the weariness in their eyes.  This has taught me a lesson I pass on to you.  Never grow tired of doing good for someone else.
I had to take care of my mother who was bed  ridden for 10 years.  She was totally unable to use the bathroom and I had to clean all that as well.
I had no dryer at the time so all sheets and bed clothing had to be washed and hung outside in all weather daily.  
I learned that it was harder on her feelings than on my own and that wised me up fast.
One day, while out taking a break and feeling sorry for myself that I had so very much responsibility, the thought crossed my mind that God takes care of millions daily even those  who hate Him or deny Him!
He never tires of it and neither should we.
We learn from the things we go through and maybe we should pass it on if we can.

I will be around visiting tomorrow evening.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Doggy Update and a Good Laugh

Daisy is doing a bit better since her oncologist has placed her on prednisone to keep the swelling of the lymph glands to a minimum.   Her neck was swollen to four times normal width.
Though there is no cure for this  we are trying natural remedies which have shown some very powerful and positive results for other dogs.  If they cure her, wonderful.  If it prolongs her life or gives her relief, wonderful too but at least we tried to do what we could.
We believe that when you take on an animal as a pet and companion you must do the best you can for them.
Do you know that the bible says that a man who regards the life of his animal is considered righteous and that you are to feed your animals before you serve yourself a meal?
Proverbs 12:"Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his animal..."
  Today was our first really chilly morning.  I woke up to temperatures in the 30's and now this afternoon it has warmed up to the 50s.
What is it like where you are?

I have moved my 'friends' to the line below the header. It will take you to all my friends blogs which I keep on a separate page, which, in reality is a separate blog of it's own!

I have to share this with you.   If you haven't seen these videos you are in for a treat as they are very funny.
As Proverbs says, "A joyful heart is good medicine,  but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
So let's laugh our way to good health.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Doing the Meme and Sad News

It is time for the and I am joining in.

#20 Words Ending in REE ~ I Say You Answer

1.   Maple Tree...you answer?
      Delicious maple syrup.

2.   What's Free...you answer?
       Most of what God has to offer is free, but little of what man offers is free.

3.   College Degree...you answer?
       Somewhat like the 3rd degree!

4.   Name Three...you answer?
       Larry, Moe and Curly.

Thanks for another great meme Toni!

On a sad note, my daughter's dog has been diagnosed with lymphoma and is in bad shape right now. They say it is a fast moving disease. But they will try alternative medicine to give her relief and perhaps with prayer things will turn around. I have seen it happen in so many situations. Your prayers for her family are appreciated. They are devastated by the news. Daisy is such a sweet dog and my dear Grandpuppy.
She is only 7 years old.

My cat buddy, Garfield, who is now in his 20th year, seems to pick up on the fact that they are all upset.
I hate seeing children and animals suffer. They are so innocent.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Christopher Columbus

We learned it this way in elementary school:
"In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety Two,Columbus sailed the ocean blue."
Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria

Today it is  fashionable to  substitute  half truths and lies about Cristoforo Colombo il gran conquistador who looked for India and China and found instead the shores of the Americas.

Well, I am having no part of it. It took great heroism to sail in those three little ships.

Here is the story and a song we all sang in school:

In 1485, Columbus presented his plans to King John II of Portugal. He proposed the king equip three sturdy ships and grant Columbus one year's time to sail out west into the Atlantic, search for a western route to India, and return. Columbus also requested he be made "Great Admiral of the Ocean Sea" ( Atlantic Ocean ), appointed governor of any and all lands he discovered, and be given one-tenth of all revenue from those lands. The king submitted the proposal to his experts, who rejected it after several years. It was their considered opinion that Columbus' estimation of a travel distance of 2,400 miles (3,900 km) was, in fact, far too short. 
In 1488 Columbus appealed to the court of Portugal and once, again John II invited him to an audience. It also proved unsuccessful, in part because not long afterwards Bartolomeu Dias returned to Portugal following a successful rounding of the southern tip of Africa. With an eastern sea route now under its control, Portugal was no longer interested in trailblazing a western trade route to Asia crossing unknowns seas. Columbus traveled from Portugal to Spain to convince the Catholic Monarchs of Spain to finance the expedition.

King Ferdinand II of Aragon married Queen Isabella I of Castile in 1469, formally uniting the two largest kingdoms in what is now Spain. They were known jointly as the Catholic Monarchs, and ruled their kingdoms independently, but had common internal and foreign policies.

Columbus was granted an audience with them; on May 1, 1489, he presented his plans to Queen Isabella, who referred them to a committee. They pronounced the idea impractical, and advised the monarchs not to support the proposed venture.[5]

However, to expand the Spanish empire and Catholicism in the name of Spanish Kings, and to assure a better market position in trading, the Queen gave Columbus an annual allowance of 12,000 maravedis and part of the newly conquered lands.[6]
Columbus and Queen Isabella. Detail of the Columbus monument in Madrid (1885).

After continually lobbying at the royal court and enduring two years of negotiations, Columbus finally succeeded in 1492. Queen Isabella's forces had just conquered the Moorish Emirate of Granada, the last Muslim stronghold of Al-Andalus on the Iberian peninsula, for Castile. Isabella and Ferdinand received Columbus in the Alcázar (castle) in Córdoba to support his plans.

The monarchs left it to the royal treasurer to shift funds among various royal accounts on behalf of the enterprise. Columbus was to be made "Admiral of the Seas" and would receive a portion of all profits. The terms were unusually generous but, as his son later wrote, the monarchs were not confident of his return.

According to Columbus' contract made for the expedition commission by Queen Isabella for Castile, if Columbus claimed any new islands or mainland for the Crown, he would receive many high rewards. In terms of power, he would be given the rank of Admiral of the Ocean Sea and appointed Viceroy and Governor of the newly colonised lands. He had the right to nominate three people, from whom the sovereigns would choose one, for any office in the new lands. He would be entitled to ten per cent of all the revenues from the new lands in perpetuity.
Columbus was later arrested in 1500 and supplanted from these posts, which led to Columbus's son taking legal action to enforce his father's contract, who was also arrested. Many of the smears against Columbus were initiated by the Spanish crown. (Boo Hiss.. for shame!!)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Autumn Personality

A quick post while I am off doing other things today.
I like Bloggers automatic post ability.

Your Autumn Personality is Adventurous
There's something about a chill in the air that gets your blood pumping. /you're ready to go have some fun.
Consider hiking up your favorite mountain or spending a weekend at a bed and breakfast.

You're the type of person who likes to try all the new fall dishes and come up with the best Halloween costume.
Go ahead and let yourself experience some new things this autumn. There's lots to try!

Pretty accurate. I even took it twice, the second time answering with a few alternate answers that also fit as well for me and still got adventurous.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


A   part of my family is Italian.
My daughter is married to one.   My brother is also.
So what would my Italian name be?

They say a name can reveal a lot about you, but who knows?
Here is my new name thanks to Blogthings

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday Four

Joining in for Toni's Tuesday meme. Interior Designer's Choice
Beyond the Garden Gate by Thomas Kinkade

 1. My home would be in the style of?

  I think I would like something out of a Thomas Kinkade painting.

 2. My kind of furniture style is?
Warm and cozy, but it has to go with my baby grand piano.

Leslie Newpher interiors

 3. My floors would be covered with?

 Wide planked hardwood.

 4. My landscaping would look like?

My own garden now.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Wishing I Was There...

My favorite place in all the world is Green Gables at Cavendish on Prince Edward Island.
 I have spent hours walking there and never grow tired of it or the dreams it engenders for me.

"Anne reveled in the world of color about her.
"Oh, Marilla," she exclaimed one Saturday morning, coming dancing in with her arms full of gorgeous boughs,
"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.
It would be terrible if we just skipped from September to November, wouldn't it?
Look at these maple branches. Don't they give you a thrill--several thrills?
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Tuesday on Thursday

On this cool, dark and wet autumn day I am joining in with Toni's Tuesday 4 Meme to brighten things up a bit.

photo taken by me
1. Favorite Autumn Activity?
pond in autumn

     Being outside/being inside warm and safe from the gales and nor'easters of autumn.

2. Favorite Autumn Meal?
      I really like Sauerbraten, chili, or my own home made turkey kielbasa style sausage with  sauerkraut, apples and potatoes.
First I  cook the sausage until it is browned well .
 I rinse  the  sauerkraut very well and drain well.
Then brown it in a bit of oil with chopped sweet apples and caraway seeds.  I simmer until the apples are very soft. Then I add some brown sugar and dark mustard to taste and add in the sausages.
I serve this with boiled potatoes.

3. Favorite Autumn Drink?
     Hot tea, coffee, ice cold water. Somehow I crave iced water on a cold days.
     I drink my tea with milk but my coffee is really mainly powdered non-dairy creamer with a dash of coffee in it. Without that I really don't care for coffee all that much.
4. Favorite Autumn Weather?
     cool days, chilly nights

Be well until next time.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Over heard in the neighborhood:
The Rat Pack:Frank Sinatra,
Dean Martin, Peter Lawford,
Sammy Davis Jr. and Joey Bishop

Kids on the street outside talking about ' music from the old days'.

One boy told the others that "my grandpa liked a group called the 'Rat Pack'.
"I never heard o'them" replied another kid.

"Nah, me neither. It was like a few guys that like sung and stuff.
One of them was real famous called Sammy David Jupiter."

So here is a meme for you. I hope you will give it a try.
1. Like anyone from the Rat Pack?
I think the voices of Sinatra, Martin and Davis are beautiful. Joey Bishop was funny.
Peter Lawford was a decent actor and I do like old black and white films!
 2.  Do you think music was better 'back then'?
Yes.  I am not impressed with the belting of today's music. I like more subtle expression and real vocal talent. I am not crazy about auto tune singers.
 3. Does the life style of some musicians and performers turn you off to their music?
Yes, it really can. Some performers are just blah to me because I can't separate the two.
Dirty lyrics/comedy/scripts cancel out any talent as far as I am concerned.
 4.  Have you been to any concerts?
 Yes, in many different forms from religious singers to famous orchestras and opera , to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

And speaking of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.....

I want these people for neighbors!!!