z Cottage by the Sea : Take a Walk With Me Episode 2
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, July 10, 2017

Take a Walk With Me
Episode 2

Come along with me for another walk around my area.
The Corner Deli...  coffee for the walk.
Down the hill from the deli is the waterfront but we are going uphill first.

On the way up the hill we pass St. Gertrude's. Cute isn't it?
Now let's head down the hill to the water:

One of my kids was married in the gazebo on the river above.

I took this photo off Google maps but it's just across the way from the house above

My daughter was married in this gazebo by the ocean and bay below:

This house is so cute!

Let's go home and have some lunch.


  1. Oh Annie, I love it!!!! You are so lucky to live by the coast, smiles. Thank you for the many smiles. Have a beautiful day friend.

  2. Thank you for the lovely walk...good company,beautiful sights!
    So wonderful to be by the water!
    Have a comfortable,fulfilling day,my friend!

  3. I enjoyed walking with you, such a pretty place to live. What's for lunch? !!

  4. Oh that was so delightful! Thank you for taking us along for the walk! I feel so refreshed...but I want to linger and look at little more at that cute little chapel, and the house by the sea, and the gazebo/park where your daughter was married...and the corner deli/cafe'...do they have hot tea? I see they have ice cream...that sounds like fun. Now, back to your house...what's for lunch?...It would be my pleasure to join you!!

  5. It's so gorgeous there, Annie, but I know you already know this ;)

    I sure wish I could have lunch with you, my sweet friend.


  6. Thank you ladies. I would love to have lunch with all of you special women.


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