Friday, August 31, 2018

Let's Take a Walk...

I am joining in with Debbie's Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday once again.

Winter's coming
 We haven't taken a walk in a while. Can we go for one now? It's a bit hot but we can get some cold drinks to take with us at the little deli. Let's stop in a get something, my treat.
Don't worry about the heat. Soon enough everyone will be complaining about the snow and the cold

Here is St. Gertrude's. It's cute inside and out. It is catty-corner across the way from the Deli.

We were headed uphill, which has a great view but it's too hot. Let's go downhill to the water and just walk wherever our feet take us.

 Here we are at the ocean (below).. the water is just across the street. I've always liked this house on the corner.

Here is a look at the ocean across the street.....

It's getting late and here we are back by my cove...this is my neighborhood.

Let's go home... I will make us something to eat.

Until tomorrow... Be good!


  1. Ah, thanks for taking us on a walk. What a beautiful area!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. That's a really cute little village! I could use some ice cream right about now, then a walk down to the water would be great!

  3. I enjoyed our walk and the cute little village area. I'm partial to listening to waves slap against the shore so I also enjoyed hearing and see the power of the waves. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. Loved this walk with you. So delightful. I would LOVE to do this. So, what are you fixing us to eat? That would be fun too!!!!

  5. I enjoyed walking along with you, was our lunch good? Have a great weekend.

  6. What did we have to eat? I really enjoyed the walk, but I also wanted to check out the ice cream! What a beautiful neighborhood. Have you always lived here?

    1. I am not sure what I made but it was good ;).
      I have always lived close to the water at both ends of the state of NJ.

  7. Such a nice post !
    I'm missing the water now that walking is restricted for a bit longer .
    Thank you for supplying the sights and sounds so sorely missed !
    May we have a "rain check" for your promised lunch ?
    Have a splendid day , my friend !

  8. Oh, how I loved listening to the close as I'll get for quite some time, I'm sure! And, that last foto is gorgeous! Thanks for letting me take a walk with you, sweet Friend.

  9. Lovely . Please tell something about my captures on my blog.

  10. What a pretty place to live, lovely views of the water. Pretty sunset. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!


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