Sunday, August 26, 2018

Sunny Day

Hello, Friends!

Today at the Jersey Shore
Ocean Temp: 78F
Wind:8 to17 knots (10-20 mph)
Waves: 1 to 3 Feet
UV index: 8 Very high bring plenty of sunscreen.
High Tide: 8:20PM tonight

I am posting Bev Sykes Meme called Sunday Stealing.

1. How has your life most benefited from the Internet? Whether it’s meeting people, cutting business overhead, finding rare collectibles, or simply sharing funny cat pictures, share how the web has made life easier.
I am grateful for riends I have made through blogging, learning new things, and having a window on the world never before possible.

2. The getaway car is waiting outside – where is it taking you?
To Home Goods , then to Michael's for some flowers for a tiny autumn wreath I will make.

3. Do you reply to comments on your blog? All of them? Or just the really interesting ones?  Do you go back to check if the authors or the blogs you comment on reply to your comments?
I reply if I feel it needs a reply..when questions are asked or if I think clarification might be nice. Sometimes I respond to everyone, sometimes I don't. But I love all the comments and read them all. Sometimes I can't think of anything to say.
I do go back to see if anyone replied, yes.

4. On average, how long does it take you to make an important decision?
I've never thought about it. I weigh things carefully, however. Also it depends on how quickly an answer is needed!
I was due for another heart surgery July 24. I didn't feel good about it and thought it through, prayed about it a lot. After praying the phone rang with the surgeons office asking if I wanted to do it a week earlier.  I said, No, I want to cancel it complelety as I have questions about this.
I am now scheduled to talk to the surgeon on September 11 about it all.  We will see. The first surgery may or may not have taken.. I just an unsure what I will do right now but I think postponing so I could question him more was right.

5. Do you gather a lot of information prior to making the decision, or do you go with your gut in the heat of the moment?
It depends on the situation. Some things demand information, some things need a heart felt response. So, it depends. In many situations your heart is deceptive and best left out of things.

6. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned recently?
Patience because of my physical limitations.

7. What’s your hidden talent? Are you double-jointed? Can you sneeze the alphabet? Share your unique skill.
I am good at mimicking accents. As a kid I was good at double dutch jump rope.

8. Rate the level of intensity you have about wanting to know God – no desire, low priority, curious, great desire, high priority, desperate to learn more. Explain your answer.
High. No explanation needed. It is just what is. Desperation is not a good thing to have in that regard.

9. What’s one of your nicknames?  How did you get that nickname?
I've had several but "Angie" is my favorite.  A friend in school, Maryann F. used to call me "Ang" and "Angie". It stuck for a long time and I liked it.

10. What do you have to have with you when you travel? Why?
 Depends on the destination. I want things along that will be needed
The only thing you HAVE to have is you.  

11. What do you think about reading books on an electronic reading device? Do you have an electronic reading device? Do you love it? Why? If you don’t love it, why not?

Yes, I have one given to me by a very good friend.  I used it quite a lot  but when I was in rehabilitation therapy after spinal surgery my eyes were too blurry for a long time due to anesthesia and I could not really read at all, or use the computer much.  All in all,though, I do prefer books.

12. Do you prefer writing on paper or a keyboard? Why?
Keyboard. It's faster and easier.

13. If the shoes make the man (or woman), what do your shoes say about you right now?
(Assuming you’re wearing shoes. Although if you’re not, that certainly says something, too.)

My shoes say that I am casual more often than not.

14. Describe your favorite pair of shoes.
There are more than one favorite for me:
 1. My Puma black running shoes. They are black with white Puma sign on the side, very flat thin soled. I've gotten so many compliments on those little shoes.
 2. my moccasins. Like having protected bare feet.
 3. my little baby blue striped shoes with knot on the front. They are ballerina style shoes. Very cute I think.

15. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it be?
To make myself invisible when I wanted to be.

BONUS:  When they "cool sculpt" your body, where does the fat go?
It freezes, crystallizes and is absorbed into the body to be eliminated.


  1. A fun Sunday Stealing today! I enjoyed reading your answers!

  2. Great responses. I like that you do these, although I never do them myself, but I enjoy reading other people's answers. It helps me to have a better understanding of the person! We agree on many things... Praying for you as you consider your future possible heart surgery. May you find the answers you seek and have a clear understanding of what is best for you. Please keep us in the loop as to what and when and where, etc., if you do go through this. I hope you have had a pleasant Sunday afternoon and evening. I am ready to hit the hay. Can't seem to get back into the routine of writing yet. Brain is tired. or is it the body? actually both...Good night! :)

  3. Reading all your answers. Hert surgery, can you tell me more about it, or share a blogpost where you are "talking" about it?

    And now: show your moccasins :-)

    1. You can see my moccasins in THIS POST. I have them in blue and buckskin color.

  4. Good questions...thoughtful answers...
    Always fun to be here !
    Hoping all your questions are answered to your satisfaction
    and great health follows !
    Have a wonderful day , my friend !

  5. Hi Annie, I learned a little more about you and with #4 I totally agree on taking the time to think the surgery through. I pray God will help you make the right decision. This set of SS questions were very good. i too prefer the keyboard, a book in my hand and to be able to be invisible at times. :) Have a blessed evening dear Annie.

  6. I enjoyed this! When I started back blogging I replied to every comment. Now it is if someone asks a question. I really don't know if people come back to see if I've replied. I am not a "shoe" person - in that if it fits, feels comfortable and is vaguely close to the clothing I am wearing, that's good enough for me! Have a blessed day.

  7. I loved to jump rope too when I was a kid! I never did double dutch and would never be able to now, but maybe as a kid.
    I wish I loved shoes more. Maybe I would have more patience to find shoes that feel better on my feet.
    I loved your answers! I hope you are having a nice week!

  8. Hi Annie, I enjoyed your post and I hope to answer these questions at my blog. I just updated my blog and I do miss your visits. I guess I am an old school blogger. If someone leaves me a tag, I tag back. Good that you are going back to talk to your heart surgeon.


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