Friday, August 24, 2018

Scenes of Summer...

Summer is passing by quickly and the autumnal equinox is just around the corner officially arriving on September 22nd at 9:54 PM.
Wouldn't some nice views of summer be appropriate as we  head into the final days of summer?
Children in New Jersey don't go back to school until after Labor Day and when that comes these swings will be empty until after school. Weekends will see them fully occupied again.
I can't resist swings myself and take every opportunity to swing when I can! You never outgrow your need to play. At least, I don't.
I live my life being 10 over and over again.
I am joining with Friday Foto Friends and Skywatch Friday.
As always the photos can be enlarged for better viewing.

The boaters will continue to anchor in the cove until too much chill drives them away.
I think they find it relaxing to sleep in a rocking boat .

  Bulkhead on the bay..

Storms come and go in summer and bring their own kind of beauty.

The bay is clear and blue.

When it churns up a touch of green tints the waves.

This night time photo was achieved through Photoshop.  I took the photo during the daytime but thought a night time look would be more interesting.  So I made the sky dark, added stars, moon and reflection on the water.

Taking the boat into New York City.

Have a good weekend my friends.


  1. I'm fascinated with your "night" shot! Amazing. I grew up in upstate NY and we never started school until after Labor Day. School is already in session here. Loved the photos as usual, Annie.

  2. Such a beautiful place you live. I would love trying to sleep on one of those boats sometime. I bet it's very relaxing. Love, love, love your night-time photo. How beautiful! I bet it was beautiful as a day-time shot also. Have a great weekend.

  3. Wow, I love your PS creation!! Beautifully done. Wonder summer scene shots, too, that really capture the feeling. Have a great weekend!

  4. That (faux) night-time photo is amazing! Oh, I'm trying to wrap my mind around what it's like to actually BE there! I've never tried sleeping on a smaller craft, but love it when cruise ships sway this way and that. Like being transported back to the cradle!

  5. All so lovely...I can only imagine living in such a beautiful place by the sea...and that "nighttime" photo is really amazing...not sure how you did that, but it is really good! In Florida the kids went back to school mostly last week and a few the week before...seems too early to me too. But they usually get out by the last week of that makes up for it. Enjoy what is left of your summer days. I am truly looking forward to fall, such as it is in Florida!!

  6. You are such a wonderful photographer, Annie. All of your pictures are so so good. I still love to swing as well...and I am probably a good deal older than you. :-)

  7. Beautiful photos, Ann! The photo shop one is so wonderfully mysterious looking. It looks like you've had a very pleasant summer. Our temperatures have cooled down considerably at night which has man de me feel like fall is around the corner. I also love swings -- when I take my granddaughter to the park we both swing!

  8. I can never get enough of your beautiful bay and every thing surrounding it. I think my favorite photo is the green tints the waves. It looks like a painting. So beautiful! You take such wonderful pictures Annie. I do spend a lot of time just admiring them. Have a blessed evening dear friend.

  9. Nice Photoshop job on that night shot!! Lovely photos this week!! Happy weekend!

  10. Enjoyed all your photos! School started here last, when I was in school we didn't start until after Labor Day. Same school district just a few years ago. lol Hope you have a happy and blessed weekend. btw...I still love to swing too!

  11. Lovely photos. I like how you changed the day photo to night photo. Enjoy the waning days of summer.

  12. Beautiful Annie...have a lovely weekend, friend.

  13. Always enjoy your photos and the Photo Shop results always amaze me !
    You have a good eye ,my friend !
    Have a marvelous day !

  14. I love your new header. I think I would like to take a Photoshop class. I can't believe it has been 10 years since I was in NY. I still have my NY and Hawaii pages listed at my site map. I added some new photos if you want to come and visit. Have a great weekend!

  15. Amazing fotos. I can't wait for warmer temps after a long, cold, gray winter, but I'm pretty much ready for autumn now. The summer heat has gotten to me this year. Thanks for always sharing great fotos. HOPE you have a great rest of the weekend.


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